Reviews for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Republic
Guest chapter 4 . 5/8/2013
Kae said, hoping Obi-Wan didn't miss the sarcasm in her voice. Obi-Wan missed the sarcasm, being as they didn't have that at the Jedi Temple, and could only recognize it when he was really trying. ha ha, but they do have sarcasim- i think.

Can you tell i'm a crazy critic?
Guest chapter 3 . 5/8/2013
I read the original hitchhiker's guide- big mistake, but some of the bits are funny. I like your adaptation of some of their ideas. But still, wouldn't the jedi be a little bit more surprised and confused about the girls? Wouldn't they possibly assume they are enemies?
Amalie Churchill chapter 2 . 9/27/2002
No way! Too weird! I'm petite and blonde and brilliant and quirky and obsessed with Ewan McGregor! And my name is Amalie Churchill! Why are you borrowing my life?
JoJo chapter 13 . 9/15/2002
Well, that was awsome! I loved the whole story. But it's up to you if you want to write a sequel or not, cuz I haven't been able to find the other two books. _~
JoJo chapter 12 . 9/15/2002
That was soooo funny! I just loved it. Well, on to the next chapter! _~
Kaminari chapter 13 . 9/15/2002
Wai! You finished the fic! Congratulations! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! I must say, the last chapter was very... short... Why haven't you sent Kae and Bekah home yet? Must they go to the restaurant at the end of the universe first? Through the whole books? The whole film prequels? I'm confusled O_O

I loved the part with the digital watch and Darth Maul. Great way to kill him and Qui Gon off, methinks. And I loved "though he would make a slendid janitor." LMAO... *falls off chair. Keep writing, stay happy,

Anumati chapter 13 . 9/15/2002
Hey, it's me, Rin-chan, Red, and the psycho, sadistic Black Fangs.

Rin-Chan: Meow!

Red: Yo.

Black Fangs: Blood! HAHAHAHAA!

Erh... Yeah. Anyway, I just wan to say AMAZING! Stupendous! Wonderful! Slightly bizarre, but whoo! Yes.

Darth Maul getting so worked up over the watch was a brilliant stroke of genious that I don't think was in the original HHGTTG, but hey, I might be mistaken. Also, it was quite obvious you worked so well on making this world of yours a cohesive, lovely experience to behold. It was incredible! Lots of the stuff you modified was great (Like where shall we get drunk? And that Gungan poetry was an absolute riot! My sides hurt after reading it!)

About your writing style: You have progressed so far in a very short amount of time. You should be proud of your style; it has a nice, balanced, strange, slightly sarcastic edge (at least here it did). A few spelling mistakes, but meh. *shrug*

And you quoted meee! DOOOOD! That was extremely nice of you :)

This is what my alter-ego's have to say:

Rin-Chan: No cats...

Red: No hillbillies...

Black Fangs: Not enough blood. Or people dying. Or disembowelment...

Uh... Yeah. They like it too, but they're a little obsessed O.o;;

Keep up the good work!

-The Feather Walker
Kaminari chapter 11 . 9/6/2002
WA HA HA HA! I'm finally reviewing again! Sorry this took me so long... ;; *mumbles something about annoying internet cafes in Europe* But I'm getting off-track...

Honestly, I haven't a CLUE where you're going with the story. Will it end up following the Star Wars story, the Hitchhiker story, or a little of both? My money's on the both, 'cos you're just the kind of maniac to attempt something so ridiculous. O_O Keep writing, keep up with the insanity, and DON'T forget to keep taking your medication!
Riana Mustang chapter 11 . 8/20/2002
hehehehe! omg! this just keeps getting funnier! please please update this!
JoJo chapter 11 . 8/17/2002
Heehee, that was awsome! I loved Not-So-Deep-Thought! This is just hilarious! Please post more really, really soon. _~
Riana Mustang chapter 10 . 8/14/2002
hehehehe! OMG, I love this! This is hilarious! I wasn't going to read this, but then I decided to go ahead and do so, and I'm glad I stopped by. I really hope you continue this. Please? ::sad puppy look::
Vandesdelca chapter 10 . 8/11/2002
"Henry was mumbling about how his mummy never hugged him enough as a child."

JoJo chapter 10 . 8/10/2002
That was very funny. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was really funny that they were able to steal a bunch of light sabers, I also liked the part about the Jedi being mindless zombies, it was very accurate. Please post more ASAP. And thank you for your sacrafices. _~
Vandesdelca chapter 9 . 8/6/2002

"Wow, what a flake."

Stupid Darth Maul! Hey wait a minute...I WANT THAT WATCH! *start's chasing after Darth Maul*
Carolyn chapter 9 . 8/6/2002
This is such a great story. I'm in the middle of the second book in the Hitchhiker series, and I'm enjojing every moment of it. I can't wait to find out the question of life, the Universe and everything (like you care)! Keep up the good work!
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