Reviews for Episode I - A New Beginning
SashaMonroe chapter 4 . 6/26/2014
Awesome update!
SashaMonroe chapter 3 . 4/30/2014
OMG! Long time no see! Awesome update!
MadAsAHatter379 chapter 33 . 2/10/2013
I'm guessing your a fan if Lord of the Rings, because being the ginormous nerd I am I know namarie means farewell in elvish. That is totally awesome by the way. I just started this story today and haven't stopped reading it. I love it! I'm actually watching The Two Towers this very minute. I just thought that was really cool. Love your story! And the elvish being in there totally just made my day, as I love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. You're a great writer, and I'm really enjoying this story! Great job!
jack-damian chapter 36 . 12/19/2012
aw! pretty! thantos and unnamed evil bitch seem to have dissolved though, i assume they make an appearance in the next part, which i havent read yet. all in all a damn good read, did it all in one sitting, rare for me 3
jack-damian chapter 33 . 12/19/2012
interesting use of lotr elfish. namerie of course meaning goodbye. i like what you did there
CatLover6944 chapter 35 . 12/13/2012
Oh no! I thought they would kiss! Oh well, I can't wait to see what happens next! I'd like to see more of Obi-Wan and Moirae in the next book, if that's possible? I think their personalities go really well together! :)
princess moon shadow chapter 34 . 12/12/2012
Love it!
SashaMonroe chapter 35 . 12/12/2012
CatLover6944 chapter 33 . 12/12/2012
Another good chapter, can't wait for the final ones! (Thanks for the shoutout btw! :D) Update soon!
princess moon shadow chapter 33 . 12/11/2012
Love it!
SashaMonroe chapter 33 . 12/11/2012
Yeah! I'm glad she was saved! What's next?
CatLover6944 chapter 32 . 12/9/2012
Really like this story so far, just read the whole thing! I have a quick questions though: How old does Calasse appear to be, in human years? Probably missed something earlier on, sorry! Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter! Sunday well spent!

- Equoise
princess moon shadow chapter 32 . 12/8/2012
Love it! More soon please!
SashaMonroe chapter 32 . 12/8/2012
Aw... how sad... LOVED IT!
princess moon shadow chapter 31 . 12/7/2012
Love it!
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