Reviews for Harry Potter: loser
S chapter 10 . 9/8
You have incorporated some known plots into a unique tale. Enjoyed the interactions amongst the group. Yes, wish it had been completed and you had continued on to write many more harmony stories, but can also understand your statements about lost motivation. Thanks. Take care.
EmilyWoods chapter 10 . 9/7
too bad...I was enjoying it...good bye...
furface294 chapter 10 . 8/21
I like Brian 314 am a fan, like him I so hope as does he that one day you get the urge again, thank you
bryan314 chapter 10 . 8/16
I am sad that you are no longer writing. Having read your works posted here, I will say that you are one of the better writers on this site and I really wish I could see where you are going with your stories.

I have followed you just in case your muse comes back, but even if it doesn’t, thank you for the entertainment!
texrider chapter 10 . 6/19
well if someone adopts it please post an update so we can find the new version.
Cateagle chapter 10 . 6/8
This reader strongly hopes that it's more "see you later" than a firm "goodbye". I find your story enjoyable, readable, and re-readable and I hope your muse returns.
Whynot chapter 1 . 5/30
This chapter needs to be corrected, the narrator jumps from third to first and at one points even second person.
Makarva chapter 10 . 5/31
te deseo buena suerte
geetac chapter 10 . 5/29
Thank you for the story. I just wished you could've continued. I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
nkh1 chapter 10 . 5/29
darn found what had to one of the best jump to a new timeline story only for it to be left unfinished. really enjoyed the first 9 chapters.
chrisd312002us chapter 10 . 5/29
Thank you for all of your time writing these wonderful stories. I can understand the muse disappearing for my artistic muse ran away 20 years ago and never returned. So as a fan of your ideas good luck and enjoy your reading.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/20/2019
Too bad you stopped quite a good story.
Ollivander knows how? weird he must be something that luna is, suspect that she will know to then.
Mark Sinfield chapter 9 . 4/5/2019
please carry on
Guest chapter 8 . 11/14/2018
please more more this is awesome
Guest chapter 6 . 11/14/2018
love it
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