Reviews for To Hell and Back
VirtualViola03 chapter 3 . 6/24/2013
Love the way you introduce your characters. And I think I see a little love competition? ;D
VirtualViola03 chapter 2 . 6/24/2013
I like your descriptions and details. They really get me into knowing the characters. One thing though, you should check over your spelling cuz some words were missing letters, etc. Great chapter!
VirtualViola03 chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
I like this! I love the way you can tell us when the story's placed without saying "during SOM". And the dream was creepy, but it made me want to learn more.
ILikePie99 chapter 4 . 11/2/2012
What if they're chased by a monster to camp, picking up a demigod who was also being chased by this monster, then there's a prophecy at camp being called the "Next Great Prophecy" and Chiron believes it applies to Jake&company. So they get settled at camp for a while and Jake, Alex, and Chiron talk about what exactly will happen on said quest, and Jake tries to bargain with him to let more than 3 demigods go on the quest. Chiron tells him he can either bring the limit of 3 or have him and Alex go on 2 different quests- one to fight _ and the other to find the amazing _. Later, two other demigods sneak out of camp to help one of the quest groups.

Hope that helps!
This Coffee Tastes Like Crap chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
This was good! But now for a bit of constructive, loving critique: it would be easier to read if you separated into paragraphs. Usually it would be for dialogue, but it would be helpful after you explain something, something is about to happen, or for a witty comment. (At least, that's how I write.) But other than that, amazing!
ILikePie99 chapter 3 . 10/20/2012
Update for my birthday? *puppy dog face*
dingfish2 chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Name: Andrew McIntyre

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Weapon: Sword

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue-Green

Basic outfit: Oxford University hoodie/sweater, pants,

Personality: Nice, likes to have fun and party, but is protective of his friends.

Relationship later: Yes

Skin: Caucasian

Godly Parent: Dionysus

History: Born in London, he moved to New York. He excelled in academics, and was told while feeding pigeons in Central Park that he was the son of Thor, and was immediately taken to the camp.
Jonah chapter 2 . 9/22/2012
Oh yeah, Chance,
I love your fanfics, just try split a few things into more sentences, and try not to rush. But I like the plot and writing style. Also space out the conversations more, maybe even start new paragraphs for each time someone talks.

BTW If his godly parent being Baldr works then find some way to include the whole Norse gods thing. Also, if its Baldr he can glow and is near invincible to anything except mistletoe.
If you've read Norse myths, you'll know why.

-You know who I am
;) *wink*
Jonah chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
Weapon:Gungnir (holy spear that looks like a baton but flips out into a spear)
Hair: Longish, black
Eyes: Hazel
Basic Outfit: Black jumpsuit, leather jacket (lol)
Personality- Stoic, depressed
Relationship later: nah
Skin: Very pale
Godly Parent: Balder (goin' Norse, baby! if norse mythology is not exceptable, um... Aeolus!)
History: Was normal boy until hunted down by titans for unknown reason, memory taken by Mnemosyne, barely survived and living on the streets.
ThEoC chapter 2 . 9/13/2012
Oh, sorry about entering in a review...

Anyways, I like this chapter, my main crique would probably be that you should break up big chuncls of writing, as it can be difficult to read if you don't. I really did enjoy what you did with Grace's character and as far as writing style goes, I like yours. Great job and I can't wait to see some more demigods,
ForeverMead chapter 2 . 9/13/2012
Just a tip maybe you should deprecate your paragraphs and start a new one when someone talks...makes it easier and better to read :)
ILikePie99 chapter 1 . 9/13/2012
Full name: Ivy-Anne Julia Hanson

Age: 15

Gender: F

Weapon: spear

Hair: brown, usually in two pigtails

Eyes: light brown

Basic outfit: skinny jeans and CHB t-shirt

Personality: artistic, hyper, childish, innocent, naive, peppy ball of energy that CAN'T. SIT. STILL. and gets annoying after a while.

Relationship later: (Yes or no) yes

Skin: tan because she spends a lot of time outside

Godly Parent: Iris

History: She bounced off the walls everywhere she went, then one day she found a satyr who told her who her she was a demigod and took her to camp.
Oz Vessalius the B-Rabbit chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
Nice little chapter! Just a suggestion but you should probably put different lines when someone is speaking.
Here is my OC hope you like her :)
Name:Sierra Johnson

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Weapon: Two twin swords that are celestial bronze on one side and plain steel on the other. The sword's name is Bane and they are disguised as two rings chained together

Hair: Shoulder length choppy dirty blonde hair

Eyes: light brown

Basic outfit: gold tank top and black denim shorts, black knee high converse, black fingerless gloves

Personality: She is a generally nice, cheery person until you tick her off. She has a pretty short temper and isnt afraid to fight someone, mortal, demigod or god. When she's ticked off she gets awfully violent. She generally hates people who think they are better than anyone else and she hates people of authority.

Relationship later: (Yes or no) yes

Skin: tanish

Godly Parent: Keres, Goddess of Violent Death (if no minor gods then Ares)

History: She grew up being a very violent child. In 5th grade the police were called on her because she was brutally beating a teacher to death. The police were called on her again in 7th grade for the same reason and that time they arrested her. She never actually got away with killing anyone, people pulled her off in time but only in the nick of time. She is now always under watch from some adult figure, which she hates.
ThEoC chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
Name: Grace Eisner

Age: 14

Gender: female

Weapon: She has a Stygian iron dagger that she keeps on her belt at all times, it is disguised only by the mist, where it appears to be nothing at all. It has a serrated edge and it's curved shape make it kind of wicked looking. The handle is rapped with dark green leather.

Hair: Grace's hair is dark brown, but it appears black in most light. It reaches to a little below her shoulders and she normally has it in a side braid. Her hair is very straight normally, but when released from the braid it has a little wave to it. She has bits and pieces that won't stay in the braid because he hair has sort of layers to it.

Eyes: Grace's eyes are dark brown and rimmed with thick eyelashes.

Basic outfit: Generally, she'd wear dark wash skinny jeans and a baggy t-shirt with one tied up with a rubber band. She might wear a hoodie and she would always have a her dark belt and a pair of fold-over black Doc Martens with red flannel inside. She would have rubber bands and bracelets on her right wrist and nothing on her left.

Personality: Grace is a quiet observer who has never felt like she belonged anywhere. She can't trust easily and isn't pursuaded without much trouble. She comes off as reserved and shy, but you can catch her glaring at the oters in her class. She can become jealous easily and is afraid of commitement. She has been living on the outskirts for so long now that she doesn't really know how to live with people. She can explode when confronted and doesn't speak unless directly spoken to, and somtimes she won't even reply if she doesn't like the premise of the speech. She gets bored easily and appears to be sullen. She isn't easily excitable and she is sonewhat of a loner by nature. She can be curious, but her curiosity doesn't make her ask questions. It makes her explore. She can't rely on other people and is even a bit insecure. She is slightly unstable with how she deals with her feelings and she can quickly become angry, even if she doesn't directly adress this. She dislikes persistent people. And her fatal flaw is that she is afraid of being rejected. That is part of the reason she doesn't go for things or shoot for her dreams.

Relationship later: (Yes or no) Sure.

Skin: She has fair skin and thin lips. Grace stands at about 5'4 with a thin, almost fragile figure. She doesn't have a many curves and has rathe long limbs as well as fingers.

Godly Parent: Nyx

History: Grace was born to Max Eisner, who was constantly afraid of having his daugther find out about her mother. So, the story Grave grew up with was that her mother had abandoned her. Grace grew up hating the mother she had never known and held a very strog attachment to her father, the only other person in her life. The two of them lived in an apartemant in Queens for the longest time, eating Chinese take out while Max struggled to make ends meet as an artist. Then, at about the age of 6, Mary Stend came into the picture. She was a smiling, beautiful, blonde, wealthy, young woman and within the year, she and Max were married, leaving Grace in the dust. From that point on, Grace's life was more luxurious, but she couldn't help feeling abandoned. Both by the mother she had never known and the father who had chosen his new wife over her. She grew up lonely, having difficulty making friends and living near the edges of the school, in the dark corners. It was around the age of 12 that Grace found out who she was. She was confronted by a shadowy woman who told her the truth. The woman was Nyx and her father had been keeping her a secret for the past 12 years of Grace's life. That is also when she got her dagger. For the following two years, the new information made her feel even more like an outcast and she was convinced that she couldn't belong to anything, she couldn't relate to anyone. In fact, Grace still believes this. She discovered her powers soon after the confrontation. She is much new aware at night and can actually see better in darkness. She can cloak herself with shadows and linger there without being seen.
I Am Noah Son Of Ares chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
Name: Christian Norak

Age: 16

Gender: male

Weapon: half iron half celestial bronze scimitar(like luke's sword)

Hair: short choppy blond hair

Eyes: amber colored eyes

Basic outfit: cowboy hat, white v-neck, jeans, and black combat boots

Personality: Christian is a carefree, sarcastic humored, funny, smart, battle torn, emotionally scared guy. When hes near friends he loves to chat and play pranks, the same with strangers but he talks less. Around enemies he is cold and ruthless and will do what it takes to win, he loves his mom a lot and he loves his dad as well even though Janus left when he was born. Around teachers and the gods he is pretty respectful unless they make him angry

Relationship later: (Yes or no) yes

Skin: light tan, he also has a athletic/muscular build

Godly Parent: Janus roman god of beginnings and transitions,also of gates, doors, doorways, endings and time

History: he was attacked by a lamia in school so he killed it with a lamp and ran home, he told his mom what happened so she sat down and told him the story of his father and how he is a god, luckily this happen when he just moved to America because of his moms work which he always thought his mom told him that was a lie and they only moved here because Janus said he would have to go to camp so it was his mothers plan to move them to Los Angeles. She drove him to camp and he just has been there ever since

Other: he is Australian

Oh and a tip for your story everytime someone new talks start a new paragraph