Reviews for Winning Her Hand
HAFanForever chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
This is a cool idea of explaining the events in detail of what Fergus did on the day that he won the games to earn Elinor's hand in marriage. I love the little commercial of the triplets acting it out for entertainment to the lords, so it's cool to have you tell the actual story here, and I think Elinor was getting concerned in how they were using the weapons!

I don't think you could have described Fergus's feelings any better upon him seeing Elinor for the first time. I'm sure he thought she was beautiful and became determined to win the contest in order to marry her. Yes, he would win her hand first...and then he'd win her heart. :)

So then there's Elinor's lines of each part of the games and the descriptions of how Fergus did against the three lords, starting with him hitting the bullseye target in archery. And then he'd easily win the hammer throw because how strong he is, though MacGuffin would come very close. Of course, even with his strength, sword fighting might be more of a challenge if the other lords are good at it...but even he wins that!

He won the contest...but now marriage will bring other complications for him.

Very good one here. I hope you'll write the sequel soon, because I'd like to hear how Fergus won Elinor's heart, now that he's won her hand.
lemonout chapter 1 . 9/13/2012
"Fergus realized that he'd often searched for her, watched her, whenever the Clans came together."

Beautiful line. I enjoyed this immensely, and I wait with baited breath for the sequel (and sexytimes). *Waggles eyebrows*
Jakinos chapter 1 . 9/13/2012
I loved it. Simply adored it. You write Fergus so well! I am eagerly awaiting the sequel! So write it soon. *puppy eyes*. Sooo yeah. Thank you for writing! .