Reviews for I Want To Use You
Guest chapter 7 . 8/17/2019
Why do all these Mito and Madara stories have bitter sweet endings
viki chapter 7 . 9/29/2014
XD ESTUBO GENIAL! :D ... T.T :"( ... ;D me encanto :)
viki chapter 2 . 9/29/2014
ToT madara...mito...
JoseLuises chapter 7 . 8/4/2014
Me gusto tu historia de principio a fin. Es triste pero es la verdad de como tenia que ir las cosas. Espero que hagas mas, continua así.
TEARS chapter 7 . 6/20/2014
Absolutely Tragic. Madara lost Everything.
sasosaku chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
Just when Naruto felt releived that he was getting closer to him, just when we thought it was all over with the uchiha darkness and everything. I was like finally, Naruto can have him back. But no Madara had to put his nose in and ruin everything. I bet Naruto is more gutted than last time, poor him, and he held the Konoha ninja off so they couldn't get to Sasuke on time _, I hate him, hate him hate him hate him. and thanks to him Naruto's bottomless desire to go flat out and search for Sasuke will persist and Tsunade will have to put up with Naruto's whining about wanting Sasuke back while yet missing out on gaining experience and entering the next chunnin exams, if only Madara hadn't got in the way it would have been worth it as well. Madara should leave Sasuke the fuck, alone.
What does he want from him anyway, it's madness, he's gutted and upset Naruto even further for his own selfish ninja purposes, I don't care about the truth of Itachi, he's gone. I just want Sasuke to return his friends. I missed the lightness of this manga, why could Kishi let Sasuke wake up to Naruto and the crew instead.
Lexiiss chapter 4 . 12/7/2012
So dramatic! :( Update soon!
Lex chapter 3 . 12/2/2012
Amazing! dang u dont have too many reviews, but thats only cuz this is a crack paring. UR SKILLS ARE AMAZING KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK PLZ UPDATE SOOOOOON!..
Guest chapter 3 . 10/30/2012
Please finish it.. Im curious to know the ending