Reviews for This Story Is Exceptional
Guest chapter 8 . 2/9/2014
Can you please post a chapter 9 soon?!
Guest chapter 7 . 1/5/2014
This is an amazingly crazy and awesome story. Plus, I love the fact that you used a 'Pirates of the Caribbean' reference 'sea turtles, mate'. The personalities that you gave Mike and Brian are beyond compare. This is amazing keep writing.

P.S. You're crazy!

P.P.S. That was meant as a compliment.

P.P.P.S. I should probably stop typing now and go back to reading your awesome-amazing fan fiction now.

P.P.P.P.S. Just one more thing . . .
the-Mad-Majesty-of-Muchness chapter 3 . 3/15/2013
PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE don't replace Jackson Rathbone, he's the only thing that made the movie worthwhile to me, I love him and we share a birthday and I LOVE HIM!
the-Mad-Majesty-of-Muchness chapter 1 . 3/15/2013
...Cheese flavored?
head19 chapter 7 . 1/5/2013
I'm touched. THANK YOU!
head19 chapter 6 . 12/15/2012
"Even if it' been somewhat de-crackified!", has an error. It should be it's, not it'. Hmmm... idea for the story... ooh! Can VOldemort run through at a random point in time screaming something about ponies with an army of lobsters chasing him?
Spry chapter 6 . 12/1/2012
Honestly, Ty Lee, I thought we already decided that whoever was writing this story was clearly the opposite of sensible.

YAY IDEAS! Wait, Highlighters is the one who gets run over and lives? MONKEYMUFFINS. I was hoping it was gonna be Jet or something like that- but no worries! He'll die again soon anyway from stealing Sparky Sparky Boom Man's scones. Speaking of which-


But most exceptional chapter! :D Sorry this review is kinda (really, really, very much five times sixty nine forevers) late, but I've been busy-ish. :)

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER! What do you mean it's not a holiday?! Yes it is; don't look at me like that- and get your finger out of the electrical socket- you've been jogging it all day!

Melody Sparrow chapter 6 . 11/18/2012
Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't press buttons until I'm done with my review...
Anyway! Amazing fantastic crackalicious chapter (not that it ever wasn't)!


*Clicks 'Post Review'*
Melody Sparrow chapter 6 . 11/18/2012
Monkeys? Where? *Whips head back and forth* I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH!
Ahem. Sorry, I had to.

Weeell, I'm not really sure if this counts, since it could have been said like that and all, and I'm not really sure I want to be a winner, either. So, here goes everything (or nothing, I've never been sure how that saying goes)! "OMG I liek kittehz' Bumi sed.
Right, so... I guess there could be a comma after OMG. And after 'kittehz'.
So, "OMG, I liek kittehz,' Bumi sed.

YUP THAT'S ALL. DO I GET A PRIZE NOW? Or should I hide in a plothole that transports me to a certain candy store in a certain crack!fic until a certain author of said certain crack!fic gives me candy from said certain candy store?
it makes sense in context chapter 6 . 11/12/2012
that was halairious! man i love this. I GOT A MENTION! WHHHOOOOTTTTT!
Melody Sparrow chapter 5 . 10/31/2012
Um... Yeah... Sorry, this isn't ATLA or LoK related at all, but you mentioned Percy Jackson... And now I'm not so happy 'cuz I want the book too... T-T
Anywayyy, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! (Do people say that? XD)
Don't really have much to say about awesome chapters with OOC characters, so... cx
*French accent* UNTIL LE NEXT CHAPTER! Ciao!
Dragon's Sacret Fire chapter 3 . 10/31/2012
I love things that are random:) giant baby head crash through
The wall with aang riding it and koh running away from
Kai from ninjago with pythor not to far behind, then out of
No where a dancing dog in a tutu singing Barbie girl crashes
Through the ceiling and then everyone dances to the song thiriller.
Guest chapter 2 . 10/23/2012
lol awesome :D

why, the moon tastes like cheese of course! *duh*
Spry chapter 5 . 10/21/2012
This feels wrong, BUT I WANT A SPESHUL PRIZE, so I'm going to point out the one thing I could find in this entire chapter that had a definite problem:

"I doubt that,"Pakku said, and sipped his tea.

It needs a space. I know, that was terrible, but still.

And yes, I pushed all them buttons down there (even though I'm pretty sure I've pressed all of them at least once before) just because you said it in a funny way.

Thus demonstrates how easily swayed Hyped!Spry is.


Anyway, famulous chapter, my dear Watson! I do believe you have outdone yourself!

Ignore the complete SUGAR-RUSH-ness of this review for your own benefit.


it makes sense in context chapter 5 . 10/21/2012
yea hes stuffed in my closet XD Joking, joking. kwl chapter
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