Reviews for The Time Travelers Husband
Hugh Crane chapter 1 . 7/16
On I wish you would continue this. It's so well plotted. I love stories where they help Tom in his youth before he goes down a dark path. Even though her intent isn't to help per se, but her being there influences him in a good way. I love the time traveler book and you adapted it well to the HP theme. The characters are believable, too. It would be great to see how their relationship develops and why it was necessary to warn Harry. It seems like she changed things for the better since Harry's parents and the marauders were alive and well.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/21
I really love your story. So many mystery to be solved and it's rather fascinating you can pull in the plot like this not many can make it like you did. But sadly I see you not finished yet and been abandoned for a long time.
Guest chapter 12 . 12/8/2018
It's really an amazing update
Infernalbooks chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
I've been following this since my freshmen year of high school and I'm in college now! Please don't abandon this bc this fic is amazing! Please update!
riptiderobin21 chapter 12 . 10/14/2018
Oh, this is one of those brilliant and addictive stories that just kills me with disappointment. Because this hasn't been updated since 2015 but I guess I must be some kind of a fanfic-masochist because I red it anyway. Why do I torture myself like this? Why does such great fanfiction have to buried within the archives of the vast internet, most likely, never to be updated again?! The agony. I wish I didn't love, no, adore this so much, it only makes the incompleteness hurt even more. I can only try to implore you, dear author (if you even check back here anymore), to continue this wondrous tale you have woven.

Let me tell you just how much I enjoyed your fic. The set up, the inspiration from the 'Time Traveler Wife'. I love how complex it all is, how you've woven and kept things cannon yet different because of Hermione's presence in Tom's life. How he still the same but different in a good way, the subtle changes in his otherwise darker cannon personality. And Tom as a child, you captured him so well, as a mini adult yet still with the repressed needs of a lost, alone orphan. Tom as a teen, is so mysterious and interesting, Hermione is left guessing which side his persona is teetering on good or evil, or something in the middle. I very much enjoyed your side magical creatures and the little stories and snippets of information on their kind. Especially Biscuit, her and Tom's relationship growth is just adorable.

I see from your AN's that you like to write when your happy, so I hope this review can make you content enough to come back and update. To fill the void of unique, well written Tomione fanfictions. Please come back, there are many people, including myself, who would love to read more!

LiveLoveWrite-93 chapter 1 . 7/29/2018
Absolutely fantastic, well written, and perfectly paced... Please don't forget about this story, because I know that I won't be able to.
YourVeryOwnRandomCatLady chapter 12 . 7/9/2018
next please?
MaraudersCheetahPrincess chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
I just started this and think this whole concept is fantastic! I’ve seen Time Traveler’s Wife and absolutely love that movie. I really hope you continue this story one day because you’ve done a great job so far and I really, really can’t wait to see how Hermione and Tom fall in love and how they grow together! Please update soon
Guest chapter 12 . 3/21/2018
Hope you haven't abandoned this it's really good
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19/2017
Please update. Or at least tell us the ending. Do Tom and Hermione get married? (Hence, the time traveler's husband)? This is a really great story.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/13/2017
This story is AMAZING! So beautifully written and it really holds true to the characters I'm so in love with this I know you haven't updated in two years (:"() but could you some how miraculously please? This story is far too good and original to let go of, plz don't abandon this!
ShimmeringWater chapter 12 . 2/4/2017
I loved it. This plot is so good!
Sharkdiver1980 chapter 12 . 9/29/2016
I just found this, and it is so good! I wish you would continue it! (I'm sure you've heard that many times...but, I decided to say it again in the off chance that it inspires you to finish this fic!)
Fizzybaby8 chapter 1 . 9/25/2016
Pleaseee update
lizzzsunshine chapter 12 . 5/19/2016
This story is such an incredible concept. I wish you'd continue it!
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