Reviews for Rage Against the Dying of the Light
MissyH316 chapter 50 . 4/13
"You Are Love" may be your pen name, but YOU, dear Author, are dastardly EVIL!
** ** :-(
Y'know, for once I'd also love to read a PhanFic where Erik and Christine actually suck it up and tell each other the honest truth before they'd each have time to ASSUME the worst, and thus delay their happily-ever-after by days, weeks, months, or even years! All that time wasted with emotional suffering and despair when they should be enjoying their lives together, facing the storms of life together and coming out with an even stronger relationship. I know these kinds of stories need their dramatic moments, but let's have drama that doesn't come from wrong conclusions made through poor communication. PLEASE!
phantoxicant chapter 21 . 1/20/2019
Your story is captivating but your spelling is atrocious.
kvasconez chapter 74 . 5/6/2018
This is one of the best stories I have read. Many thanks for an uplifting tale!
13teddies13 chapter 1 . 2/12/2018
Also- it was so painful how long it took Christine to tell Erik, yet it was perfectly timed and the wait was worth it.
13teddies13 chapter 1 . 2/12/2018
This. Is. So. Beautiful! How to describe? I love how mature they are, and how they properly seek to know and love each other. This is so well written too! I loved Justin, and the conflict with Raoul was good- tense and ended satisfyingly. I love your Christine- how she still seems youthful and lovely, yet has a maturity that she often doesn’t have in fanfiction. I also love your Erik- he’s so cheeky and delightful, yet serious and genuine.
Swishy-capes chapter 6 . 5/10/2017
Why are you so good at writing?! I wish I could write as well as you
TYFPAQ chapter 74 . 4/25/2017
This was such a wonderful story! I devoured it in one sitting and couldn't bare to put it down until I reached the ending. I feel terrible for not reviewing along the way but I will go back and do that, no worries! I was simply too engrossed at the time!
Guest chapter 54 . 2/7/2017
I love Josh Groban thanks for throwing his music in there
Guest chapter 51 . 2/7/2017
Oh my god!
MissyH316 chapter 74 . 2/1/2017
Bravo, bravissimo! :-)
MissyH316 chapter 54 . 1/31/2017
AAAUUUGGGHHHH! GREAT STORY - I'm loving it - but WHY in the HECK do these people not COMMUNICATE? I get why Christine was afraid to tell Erik about ALL the disgusting horrors that Raoul said and did to her: she didn't want him going to the gallows. But STILL... TELL him already and move on - communicate, PLEASE!
krostovikraven1 chapter 74 . 12/10/2016
So lovely. So perfect. I'm speechless and I'd lie if i didn't accept the fact that more that one moment made me laugh, mad and even cry. You're writing is flawless and you make the story so fluid that you make it look easy. I've tried and although its the most enjoyable feeling i have to say that my writing is nowhere near this perfect. You know the characters so well and the plots are simply incredible.
I also like the fact that you use bits and pieces of the original story and that makes the stories all the more endearing.
I do have a couple of questions though. And forgive me as it was probably implied at some point or another but did Philip kill Fawn? I don't recall a reassurance other than she knew too much but he never mentioned her again.
Also, in the two stories I've read so far there was something that both failed to mention and that is Erik's birthday. I know the man would down right refuse to acknowledge such date because he despised himself so at some point and even how adamant he was at the mention of gifts but, for Christine to never insist, let alone inquire about it? I feel it was a little piece of importance to mention.
Not to contradict the brilliant writer who came up with the brilliant plots but i only ask out of curiosity. Who knows maybe he's a Gemini like me that might explain his mood swings at best? XD wishful thinking. Anyway. Thank you for sharing such beautiful talent and i look forward to read the rest of your work.
krostovikraven1 chapter 72 . 12/10/2016
Who wouldn't know :) is one of my favorites from the original story. I know that song by heart.
krostovikraven1 chapter 33 . 12/8/2016
Oh that coward, how can Raoul be such a scumbag and be so smug about it. To do that to Christine is unforgivable. I wouldn't mind seeing his blood spilled.
Now I'm glad that Erik and Christine have the same desires. He's so nurturing and protective and that's what she needs to heal.
I have to say i love the way you portray Erik. Such tortured soul and yet so full of love that makes me want to meet such character in real life. Alas, he'll always be real I'm my mind. Now, on with the story.
krostovikraven1 chapter 19 . 12/7/2016
Such deceiving woman. How can she do that to them. Oh, I'm so mad at her. I'm glad they say least had that conversation and hopefully Christine reveals more so Erik can know how to console her, but I'm sure once he finds out what Raoul did Erik will hunt him down and kill him with his own hands... Hmmm so much to ponder on.
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