Reviews for Obsession
Flipforme chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
I would not mind having some more of this :3
Guest chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
Thanks for making me tear up... I ship Pit x Dark Pit, this is really depressing ; _ ;
Guest chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
Thank you so much. This pairing needs more shipping. I love your writing style, too.
t00t1t00t chapter 1 . 11/26/2012
This is a very powerful one-shot. Not only do you feel compassion towards Dark Pit, but (in my opinion) you actually develop a slight distaste for Link because he's one of the reasons Dark Pit is in his little pool of depression. Even though I love Link without end, I just feel bitterness towards him in this story.
Now, I do like the story the way it is. However, I also would like it if you continued it. Just to see what might happen to Pit and Dark Pit. That is simply because the story seems unfinished (that's probably what you were going for XD).
Please write more...?
Blank pen clear ink chapter 1 . 11/15/2012
I adored reading this... I love how jealous Dark Pit is, and how oblivious Pit is, innocently hanging out with... well... we all know who :D
It's a really great story, and i'd love to read more, but it's still a great one-shot as it is!
DrkVrtx chapter 1 . 9/22/2012
Gotta admit, I laughed pretty hard when I realised who you paired Pit up with. Pit X Dark Pit isn't really my thing, but still I think this is written well enough.

No doubt this was your intention, but Pittoo's constant use of 'fuck' really puts across his anger/jealousy...maybe a little too much. Pittoo almost seems absurdly angry by the end of his tirade; sometimes minimal use of such a harsh word can have just as much if not more impact than lacing the majority of his thoughts with it.