Reviews for Refusal
Kanon58 chapter 1 . 2/28/2014
Poor Jade..Poor Luke,, aww Luke your cute...
Guest chapter 1 . 12/7/2012
This was very nice! I could picture Jade thinking these things clearly
Kyu-Momo chapter 1 . 10/10/2012
Woo! This is great so far!

Keep up the good work. :D
Vheeri The Succubus chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
Now, what caught my eye the moment I started reading was that strange simile at the begining.
"His body was blanketed by a heavy lassitude that covered him like an unforgiving, relentless snowfall." What? Lassitude: weariness of body or mind from strain. How does that relate to a relentless snowfall, which if anything, would feel like a bunch of icicles hitting you making you numb and sometimes burn. Is this how his body feels exactly? I'm lost.
IHaveNoIdea8 chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
Man, I kept forgetting to review this, sorry about that. I was tired the day I read it and I thought it deserved a proper review.

I've been trying to think of words other than just 'great job' for this, but you've kind of left me speechless. I'll try to give a decent review though.

Your portrayal of Jade is great, and he's a pretty hard character to get dead-on, and you did just that. Kudos for hitting the nail on the head there. I can very easily see these being Jade's thoughts at this point in the game.
I loved the way you delved into Jade's thoughts about his past sins, and how he secretly likes the group he's traveling around with despite the fact that they're the ones forcing him to bring those sins out in the open again.

Though this is really short, I think it's an amazing little oneshot, and ope to see more from you one day.
selenia-sopheria chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
That was intriguing. I'm kinda jealous. Whenever I try to write angst, I fail. Great job!
RisingTwilight chapter 1 . 9/22/2012
Oooo, very interesting! I love the style here, and I love the consideration of Jade's thoughts. I feel like his burdens are hard to write, because we never really know what he's thinking, but this is quite well done! Guilt is a powerful thing, as you've represented, and it ties Luke and Jade together in an interesting way, perhaps unique among the party.