Reviews for And He Was Happy
PrayerGirl chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
Awwww! This is so sweet! You should continue this!
jovysanchez17 chapter 1 . 9/18/2015
This was adorable! I love ElinorxFergus! :3 3
butterflycuddles chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
I don't think fergus was macguffin I think he was dunbroch anyway good story.

FullMentalPanic chapter 1 . 2/14/2014
This was very sweet, plus it had good doses of humor in all the right places. Your description of the superior angle of young Machintosh's hips and Dingwall's confidence in his story-telling made me chuckle. It's also amusing to think of history repeating itself with how the various clans act at this betrothal and at Merida's. Great contrast with exaggeration of the other clans and Lord DunBroch's straightforward, but utterly true, appraisal of Fergus. You know he means every word, and it gives it more impact than all the flattery laid out by the other fathers. Great ending; I like how it's simple and Fergus just accepts the smile but you can see all the rest of the relationship falling into place from there.
jean.say.hi chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
Good God! They are sooooooo cute! I think I might faint...
HAFanForever chapter 1 . 11/18/2012
Part of the film's story that I wish could have been more developed was Fergus and Elinor's pasts, and how the clans came together to defend their lands and made Fergus their king, because that makes me wonder if he was married to Elinor when he was named king. In all, I also just wonder if whichever clan Elinor came from was the one with most power if SHE had to be betrothed to an heir of another clan, and I also wonder if she came from one of the other three clans in the Highlands, because the film shows just those four in having an alliance. So yeah, I just wish there was some clarification to that part of the movie.

But anyway, like you put here in the story, if Fergus was presented to Elinor in the way the others were for Merida, I bet upon seeing her for the first time, Fergus would think that Elinor is beautiful and would want to impress her. He gets approved by Elinor's parents, but seeing Elinor smile at him was enough to make him happy. Obviously, he did win the contest in the end, and while it took time for them to find love in each other, they did, and you can see that Fergus truly loves Elinor in the film.

Cool idea. :)
lemonout chapter 1 . 9/25/2012
"Lord Dingwall was the insane uncle you would always avoid at feast-times."

I'm still cackling. Well done, I can never read enough versions of Fergus winning Elinor's hand...

Will this be continued?
BlueLion chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
I don't think that Fergus is McGuffin, I believe we're talking about four clans here, and DunBroch one of them ...
Some spelling errors, otherwise well done ...