Reviews for Three Wishes
ChitoseSenri chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
your endings for samurai warriors are awesome :) loved this story too. #goes to check others
Ominous Rain chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
Mitsuhide is my favorite character from SW so I am very pleased at the moment :3 Thank you for writing this! Nice job *wink wink*
Vovo chapter 1 . 10/1/2012
Oh my dear, that was so sweet! I really didn't know you had posted or I'd have read it before!

I thought it was a good idea Motochika asked for three wishes without planning that in advance, so he could naturally come up with his wishes when he felt like it. At first, Motochika's declaration really surprised me, but it does fit his personality to be open about his feelings.

I do think Mitsuhide is a bit shy, but it surprised me he had never been with a man before... oh well... it's just the impression the game gives me xD I understood he had to take some time to think about his decision, it seems like something he would do. Once he made up his mind I was really surprised at how kinky he had become over the time, I guess that couldn't be helped once they got together. I don't think Motochika would deny being bottom for Mitsuhide, but he would need some convincing ;D

They both have a very good chemistry, I believe they are indeed soulmates :D I think you did really well in writing about them and describing their personalities. I wish you could write more of this pairing as I like it so much. I really love you for giving me this present, thank you so much!
nikkychin7 chapter 1 . 9/30/2012
So. Hot... (died from bloodloss)
Scytherageroses chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
Oh Mitsuhide, you wild kinky thing, you!

I love this! The personalities were spot on as always, haha, their relationship is so cute 3

Mitsuhide's a ho, and Motochika loves it! :P