Reviews for Let Her Under Your Skin, Into Your Heart
Guest chapter 1 . 3/10/2015
What exactly did he do to her? Did he stay? That was so CREEPY!
Heather Snow chapter 1 . 3/9/2015
I came here through Dobby Socks' recommendation in her story For Just One Cell. This is a really neat and interesting concept. You did a really good job conveying the Doctor's emotions in the depths of his ordeal. But, I didn't really care for how it ended.
NorthernMage chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
Wow. This was amazing!

Although, I'm not sure what happened at the end. When I first read it, I thought he left and went back to the TARDIS, but now I think he stayed. Just not sure what happened.
Youdon'tknowwho chapter 1 . 6/2/2014
I should have known! You are the mad genius behind the terrifying amazingness that is "And I must scream". This too, is awesome. Horrifying, but awesome. These two traits tend to coincide in your work. Bravo.
SwimmerGirl0726 chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
This is evil! Poor doctor! Is he going to stay there for 50 years until they figure out that technology?! But if they have him they don't need to develop that technology until there are so many in need that he alone can't fulfill the 75 years? 100?! This moral dilemma is making my head hurt...STOP IT!
Joanis chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
Idk...I don't really like the ending... It was a good base plot though. It just wasn't... Exciting. I'm sure though that with just a few modifications, you can make it even better!
Nacanaca chapter 1 . 4/26/2013
Beautifully grim, and wonderfully terrifying. The end just left me sitting there thinking "No, he did not just do that..." I guess he was in a "no second chances" mood, and I can't blame him.
avery chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
deliciously dark and wonderfully gory; I love it! truly in-character as well, it's very much something the doctor would do. fantastic writing!
deleted040400 chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
*Shivers* Wow. I don't know what else to say! This is... fantastic. I wasn't really too bothered until the end... Wow.
I can totally see the Doctor doing this, though. Series 1, Christmas Special: "No second chances... I'm that sort of a man."
Perfection. Absolute gruesome, horrific perfection!
Well done!
Pencilx chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
I think that this is a splendid concept-morbid, but really interesting and creative! Of course the doctor will be weighed down by his guilt.. But I feel so awful for him. Anyway, don't be too upset by the accusation. I think you did a great job. Keep up! :)
bananannabeth chapter 1 . 11/17/2012
This is a marvellous idea for a story. I love the moral dilemma, because it's so like the Doctor to sacrifice himself for others, no matter how much it hurts him.
I feel a bit stupid, but I must admit that the end confused me slightly - what exactly did the Doctor do with the drone?
But this piece is well-written, over all, and a wonderful, original idea. Bravo.
Concerned Writer chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
I'm sorry if it's just a coincidence, but someone else has posted a story almost exactly the same as this, they did so three months ago. The story is called 'For Just One Cell' and it's by the writer Dobby's Socks.


It doesn't matter how well written it is, or how much you want to do it, this was not your idea first. You've put in no disclaimer, and honestly it's a bit shameless. Please correct this, this is a good community, but we rely on mutual respect and integrity. Both these flaws are currently somewhat lacking. It's fair enough if it was an innocent mistake, but now you really have to correct it- at least by crediting the person with the original idea.

Sorry to be a bit preach-y, but someone had to say something. It's really not ok.
Kermit's Rainbow Connection chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
HOLY CRAP. That just gave me nightmares for a week. You were so descriptive and you caught the Doctor's personality so well. He always will give in to anything if it will save others' lives and you portrayed that weakness of his perfectly. This story really deserves more reviews and credit than it's been given because it's one of the best one-shots I have read in a really long time. Tessa was also written very well and I could see her side of the conflict as well. I was wondering what happened at the end though. No matter, this was still amazing. The show always mentions that the Doctor can never go to a hospital and this is a very good explanation to why he can't. This would be a great episode, although I don't know if the BBC would be allowed to air something with so much gore on a children's television show. Still loved it and hope to see more of your stories!
CaptainAlias chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
This was horrific, yet awesome. I like how the Doctor stayed in character - of course he would want to save people.
Did he kill the Tessa at the end? I'm thinking that's what happened, and even though it's horrible, it's fitting at the same time.
Dobby's Socks chapter 1 . 9/29/2012
Wow. That was...amazing. Amazingly horrific, and yet so very good. I could actually see something like this happening, and you did a very good job of portraying both sides of the argument. I'm not sure I want to know what happened to Tessa, though.
Very, very well done and incredibly intriguing. I'd be interested to see whether they ever do something like this on the show. Excellent job!