Reviews for Whispers in the Dark
Paul Lenzen chapter 41 . 6/28/2019
If that was the end then it was beautiful and if it wasn't it was a beautiful chapter all the same
Shadows of Samhain chapter 41 . 12/3/2017
Salut. Hello, I just discover your story. I love it. I couldn't stop reading to the beginning to the end. (sorry for my bad English) I just want to know if you will update. And, if Anders will speak with his friend of thedas?
Guest chapter 41 . 9/4/2014
Please update!
KnightOfHolyLight chapter 41 . 6/14/2014
Good job again. So more than few revelations here on many ways. Should have seen that bloody raven was not something normal. Just to be clear thou was that raven piece of our Daedric Prince an avatar of sort or some familiar?

Nice little scene there also with Paar and little Syra. But then again old people and very young kids get very well along for some odd reason. Even seems like humans and Dragons too. But then again Paar is most likely something of a dragon grandfather :D.

And nice little wake up for Anders there. Now question is will he be unconscious again :D.

Overall good job again and I hope that you update soon.
MB18932 chapter 41 . 6/13/2014
Are you going to show what happened when Anders was away? Or have you already, and I'm just a forgetful idiot?
Dabbles R Us chapter 41 . 6/13/2014
I love this! Anders has a baby! Awww! So much awesome, I'll be sad to see it over! I hope you get better soon, my dear friend, because I've missed your stories terribly so. I love reading Anders but your one of the only people that captures him so well. Love you and this story!
Ravenwiccn chapter 41 . 6/13/2014
First off I want to apologize for not reviewing the last chapter. I was going to and life turned hectic. So I will review both. They are both wonderful and I can't wait til the next chapter. Real life can really put a cramp in writing so take your time both of you. The wait is well worth it.
thepkrmgc chapter 41 . 6/13/2014
daww, good to see a happy ending at last
thepkrmgc chapter 40 . 5/30/2014
i see how you worked in most of the names for the stark direwolves, nice wordplay

i really hope this fic isnt abandoned, the cliffhanger is so suspensefull!
thepkrmgc chapter 39 . 5/30/2014
i knew the darkspawn werent gone!, while things worked out, anders is still an asshole for leaving her
thepkrmgc chapter 38 . 5/30/2014
im sorry, but thats an asshole move on anders part. i can understand his choice to leave, but walking out in the middle of the night is a hideious goodbye
thepkrmgc chapter 37 . 5/30/2014
and victory!, now for whats next: the epilouge is always my favorite part,
thepkrmgc chapter 36 . 5/30/2014
do all the mook nords you kill have to beat tsun in order to go to heaven, or is that only a hero thing
thepkrmgc chapter 35 . 5/30/2014
and this is anders ticket home, why the hell would he ever want to go back?
thepkrmgc chapter 34 . 5/30/2014
does alessia have a contact with the brotherhood?, it might be prudent to arrange for a knife in ulfrics throat
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