Reviews for One shots
Kaila889 chapter 5 . 4/16/2013
I absolutely LOVE your writing! Please update soon! And please update Emma and Cassie soon. Btw I'm really sorry about your aunt. I can't imagine. I love my aunts and that would be horrible for me. :( again I'm sorry and I hope you feel much better. Keep up the great work! Bye for now :)
Guest chapter 5 . 4/6/2013
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! you need to make 1 about milton and julie! i have not seen 1! -_- i for one do not care about the others,just wanna see a milton/julie!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2013
First of all bitch u don't own the name Allie or anyone called allie. Cuz I know 3 allies and do you own them? Let me think. NO! So FUCK U!
amber chapter 3 . 1/22/2013
you are so right i do not like seeing her with someone else
oh and by the way you did an awsome job on the story
keep up the good work
Goldie chapter 2 . 12/31/2012
Spelled sth wrong I dont watch Leonardo DeCaprio but I know how to spell his name
Goldie chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
This is amazing
canislupus1999 chapter 1 . 11/17/2012
Hey AlexisMarie, you do know that other people have this one shot on there story lists right
im a wreak and i know it chapter 5 . 11/2/2012
Awwww love the chapter! Update soon!
LiveYourPassions chapter 5 . 11/1/2012
Im not saying tht u should forget about yor aunt at all but things happen for a reason but it does take time to heal. I hope u get better but remember tht yor aunt is watching over u and is still wit u. :) chapter 5 . 11/1/2012
that was great and cute. :D
NoThiNg'sGonNaStoPMeFr.WriTiN chapter 3 . 10/16/2012
I had it coming. The part where he would steal it. Anyways, I loved it.
P. S. I'll review your other chapter when I have the time 'cause it's really late right now.
NoThiNg'sGonNaStoPMeFr.WriTiN chapter 2 . 10/16/2012
I loved it, and it was so sweet of him to go through all that trouble just for asking her out to homecoming, especially in front of the students.
im a wreak and i know it chapter 4 . 10/15/2012
Sooo cute .
Iheartjacknkim chapter 4 . 10/15/2012
Hey liked the one shot my birthday is coming up its on...
October 31st or Halloween
Demi101 chapter 4 . 10/15/2012
OMG thanks sooo much, love this!
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