Reviews for I've Changed
Lucayalover2127 chapter 22 . 11/7/2015
Hi! I'm kinda upset you chose not to continue. But I honestly have to say I think you made the right decision. Thank you for writing this story I loved it! Sadly, it wasn't continued! But I had a thought! Maybe someone out there will write a continued story! Tbh it won't be me! I'm not an author YET... I'm thinking of writing a story but it can't be this one it's just...complicated! You have been an amazing author! I'd love to read another one of your stories! Until next time! -Lucayalover2126
Guest chapter 20 . 7/11/2015
I hate whe people like u, say they'll update, when they never do.
IfSacrificesWereEasy chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
Hey! Just read this chapter- it's really good! Great job!

I'll read the rest tomorrow, gtg sleep... :)
Guest chapter 4 . 9/15/2013
Austin is so stupid that he doesn't remember ally
Guest chapter 5 . 9/10/2013
I am stuck at chapter 5 wondering if I should read on or not. Trish is acting completely selfish in only being friends with Ally in private. What a complete B*TCH! A friend sticks by you no matter what. She is NOT a friend! She is fake, cruel, and selfish!

romancefanficnerd chapter 22 . 6/24/2013
Oh, well i am sad that you aren't continuing this story, but i have to say really good job on this story and please keep writing. (in general, cause your good)
Andrea chapter 11 . 6/10/2013
OMG... I teared-up when reading this. Your writing is just amazing the words so powerful and the flow of the story is superb. Can't wait to read the rest!
TwinSofia chapter 21 . 6/8/2013
Ooo lala! That is upper COOLIO! And I LOVE drama! Anyway u r such a good writer! Can u update soon?! Again it is super COOLIO!:)
Puggle of epic chapter 5 . 5/6/2013
Oooh! Drama! Great story :-) thnx x
SOPHIEE chapter 20 . 4/23/2013
Liz chapter 21 . 4/5/2013
OMG when Austin said, "'I'll be more than everything she needs. I'll be everything she deserves,"' my auslly feels just simply put exploded. Aww it was so cute and touchy. Please update though
AUSLLYFAN15 chapter 21 . 3/15/2013
Guest chapter 21 . 3/13/2013
I wish you would update more often please update soon I love this story and want to see what happens next
AllyLuv31 chapter 16 . 3/12/2013
Yep defanatly good no great
AllyLuv31 chapter 11 . 3/12/2013
ITS DEZ GOSH I AM SO MAD AT HIM RIGHT NOW UGHH oh and the part that when allys dad was abusing her made me die in tears and sadness
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