Reviews for It Could Have Gone That Way
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26
Beautiful! Amazingly beautiful!
StarlingChild4 chapter 1 . 1/31/2019

But seriously, I ADORE this fic! I love how gentle yet raw the emotions are, I love how natural the dialogue flows, I love how it's both angsty (Harry's potential death mingled with the pain of losing Ron) and romantic af (the dance and the confession). I just LOVE THIS SO MUCH! It's just Harmony fluff and angst and hurt/comfort all rolled into one short, sweet, beautiful perfect little fic :') *applauds*
serialkeller chapter 1 . 8/5/2018
How it should have been :D
ahhrreader chapter 1 . 8/20/2017
Simple and beautiful story.
anjiepotter chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
great story
doc boy chapter 1 . 1/26/2017
That was pretty good. Though I was hoping you would make it into an actual romance and not just having them acknowledge their feelings. But for what it was worth it was nice. Good work
FuN FiFi chapter 1 . 1/15/2017
That was beautifully written! I always wondered about what could've transpired between Harry and Hermione after their playful dance had ended in the first DH movie. The moment they shared afterward was intense yet Hermione had turned away from Harry before anything could actually happen. It was almost aggravating to watch that scene! But at the same time, I'm glad that the HP moviemakers included that Harmony scene for us in the movie, if only to highlight the wonderful relationship that those two share. And I'm also glad that you wrote this fic because it shows to JKR and to all the non-Harmony fans that yes everyone, it could have gone that way! :-p
Guest chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
Nicklley chapter 1 . 1/11/2015
It is soo cuteeeee...
I Love it...
They were made for each other...
Guest chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
This was awesome I love them together
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2014
Great One-Shot, but I think the name should be changed to, "It Should've Gone That Way."
Explicitly Simple chapter 1 . 7/27/2014
Very cute.
TJ Jordan chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
This was beautifully written. A beautiful job. A beautiful story of "what could have been". And I just cannot say "beautiful" enough to express just how awesome this story is.

I particularly love this scene that you rewritten from the novel. The dance scene between Hermione and Harry is one of the greatest moments for me in the entire series. It was the first time that we actually got some real confirmation that these two had something for each other. Something very powerful. Sure, we were teased of it in the past novels, but it was the seventh one that finally put the debate to rest. And the best part was that through that dance there was no dialogue, just quietness and emotions. Now that is "golden". And I really do love how you recreate that from the novel. You did a great job.

The moment when they stare at each other and you feel that "connection" between them, I thought you handled it very well. How Hermione regains self-control and tries to leave in order to keep those feelings under. Now that was really deep. I could feel it. And I just love how the story then takes its own direction, without ruining how the original moment from the novel was. It had me in tears as Harry and Hermione just let out their emotions, finally releasing what they feel for each other. This is a very strong scene. You can feel that they "want" to go that route but they somewhat "fear" it as well. Kinda like from that song "Don't Let It End" by "Nickelback": "I'm tired of pretending. But I'm terrified of it ending." Those lyrics actually fit the story pretty well. If you give it some thought. But the main thing is that they have such strong feelings that the last thing they want to do is ruin it. They can't help that they have feelings, they're just there. Okay, sure, those feelings built up over time, but they're still there. But they try their hardest to keep their feelings their problem and not let anyone else get hurt by them. And I really do respect that.

I have to give Harry guts when it came to accepting the fact that there is a huge possibility that he will die. That isn't something that people just say and actually mean it, not to mention accept. Death is a serious thing and I love how you manage to have Harry handle it in this story. He felt like a human, rather than a terminator. Just the way how he speaks to Hermione about it makes me respect him even more and actually like him for it. It feels realistic and something that a human being would say. Don't get me wrong, I do love those stories where the hero is going to die (even if you just know it way before it happens). You know, where the hero is all like "To die would be a great adventure", or "I'll see you in hell", or "I'll see you on the other side", or even "I'm already dead". I do like that kinda stuff. Mostly because it's badass. But I love how Harry handles it and accepts it in the most human way possible. It feels real.

I really do love how Hermione gets all emotional when Harry talks about his possible death, assuring him that he won't, despite that she kinda knows it to be true. I could feel the emotion and sadness there. It just jumps out of the pages and into my heart. I can just feel how much she actually does love Harry. And I also love how she just lets out she does have feelings for him and how Harry admits that his feelings for Ginny aren't as powerful as the ones he has for Hermione. It's just beautiful how it all happens.

But the best part was when Hermione and Harry finally kissed. My heart just melt when I read this. It was beautifully done, well executed, well paced, well timed, and also... IT FINALLY HAPPENED! And I love how it is just a normal kiss, not rushed or anything. It just fit the moment of the raw feelings that was being expressed. There is just no other to say: "It was beautiful".

I love how the story kinda leaves off of a "decide for yourself" kinda thing. How it has the question of what kind of love both Hermione and Harry have for each other and if that kind of love is supposed to be. The story does hint that they might try to have a relationship and try to head down that route. "Harry and Hermione decided to take a leap of faith." That line just has me wondering if their friendship to a new level (which I think so) or if that line meant that they kiss had just shared. Either way, I still love it. And I adore that last line from Dumbledore: "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." That just fits the story perfectly well. Thank you for that. ;)

In the end, this story was really done very well. I love the feeling of the story and also the "what-if" that it has behind it. I'm favoriting this story! All because of how great it is! You did an amazing job, Romantic Silence! Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to this story! You did amazing!
eliza1312 chapter 1 . 4/11/2014
Try and end it so ready for a new series or chapter so that if you need to you can carry on I would really like to know what happens next.
themergitonian chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
Good story
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