Reviews for X-Unit
Beautiful Storm Munroe chapter 4 . 11/25/2012
Storm is related to Icestorm? In a way, lol.
hervissa chapter 3 . 10/19/2012
Well, I must reconsider my opinion on this story...Hamsta97, you again surprised me! To be honest, I didn't think about Omegas :D
I'm glad that the kids aren't little Supermans, but normal (okay, so normal as mutants are ;)) and reasonable thinking people :)
So go on, I can't wait for next chapter!

P.S. Did I told you that you're amazing author? :D
RedheadedMarina chapter 2 . 10/6/2012
Very interesting concept.

"Furious with a killer headache and an uncomfortable uniform." Great descriptive line.

You do a good job introducing the characters and giving the reader some distinctive information about each.

I'm looking forward to reading more. If you're looking for more reviews, stop by the "Review Tag" thread in "The Reviews Lounge" forum-great way to get to know other writers and read their work while getting lots of reviews on your own stories!
hervissa chapter 2 . 10/6/2012
Well, since you're one of my favourite authors, I read it and I click on "follow"...but it's not so good as, for ex., Hawk and Wolf... :) To be honest, one of the reasons is that the children have powers - too many each, too you know what I mean? Still, I believe that you can convince it into a good story...with some RoLo... *cough, cough* :D
Beautiful Storm Munroe chapter 2 . 10/5/2012