Reviews for Ave Maria
superjay96 chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
This was absolutely amazing. Really. This is AWESOME dude.
Hushabye chapter 1 . 8/22/2014
I enjoyed this immensely. A wonderfully perverted story, and so in character. I think you chose wisely by writing this in second person. It really adds a personal touch. :)
Tonnerre chapter 1 . 10/17/2013
Perfectly encapsulates the type of scumbag James was. And I love how you included that he knew just how horrible he was.
Dorsal chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
It's not often you find a fic about Silent Hill 2 covering sexuality and guilt, which you know, the whole game is about. Good job!
bren97122 chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
Whoa. Wait. Is this a romance where James gets with a REAL HUMAN FEMALE? Bravo! I really love people who do realistic pairings for SH2, especially with James. All those incredibly strange and sometimes disturbing JamesXPH yaoi-lemon fics really make me want to cry.
WC Pemm chapter 1 . 11/1/2012
Absolutely fantastic, what a wonderful study. Bravo!
volepitofregret chapter 1 . 10/17/2012
Man you can file this one under "things that hurt" and also "things that still manage to be sexy". Waaah, poor James, but knowing what he's going to do makes it hard to feel really sorry for him? I don't even know what my feelings are doing right now, honestly. Great job!
Misty Day chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
This story was so good that it broke my heart to find that it was complete. I really felt this could have had another chapter of self-loathing sex meetings, even if the details remained vague or awkward. I was just so impressed by how good this was. Seems most of of the SH stories lately have just been poorly-written garbage so may I just say that this story really made my day. I hope to see more stories from you soon!
Saint Sentiment chapter 1 . 10/11/2012
I have to say, I am so glad I happened to click on the Silent Hill section before I decided to hit the sack. I hadn't imagined you'd write for Silent Hill, but I'm pleasantly surprised to see I've been proven wrong. I wonder what's prompted this delicious little piece. For months this fandom has been getting a slow income of fics, and they generally fall into three categories: OC stories, cringe-worthy high school AU's or improbable James/PH or OC/PH fics. I'm glad to say that you haven't fallen into any of these categories, and you managed to give me something I've been craving - good SH2 fic! I haven't had much experience reading fic in the 2nd person, but I must say it works out pretty nicely here, while also fleshing out pervert!James to my satisfaction. Your fic made me want to get my muse off the ground and snip the cobwebs off all my lonely SH2 one-shots. I hope to see more of you in Silent Hill soon, if you'd be so gracious as to give me more fic. Right now.
