Reviews for Goodbye
TonieleMegTina30 chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
wow i was wondering about amy's parents thanks for writing this
Princess Pinky chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
I was so glad to see a story featuring Augustus! Everyone forgets about Amy's parents and I wish they would have gotten a proper goodbye too. I am angry that Chibnall's "P.S." scene didn't feature or mention River whatsoever. (That seems to be a theme in his writing which relates directly to the Ponds' intimate lives.) I'm glad you corrected that here. I also really enjoyed the mention of Tallulah. My only nitpick is that the back of the "Melody Malone" book states its publishing company was River Pond, not Duck Pond. (Unless Amy had two publishing companies?) The explanation about too many plugs in one socket also made a lot of sense. It's be neat if you did a followup, where Anthony, River, Brian, Augustus, and Tabetha all got to meet and spend some(unconventional) family time together.
Valerie chapter 1 . 10/12/2012
OH THANK YOU GOD! I always thought that the Angel couldn't send Amy back to the same time but it could send her back to the same place, which was why she was five years older than Rory when she died. The Girl Who Waited for The Last Centurion. This was...I've dissolved into tears again.