Reviews for Something About Lucy
Twishadowhunter chapter 1 . 8/28/2014
Great job!
cookie panda-roo chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
awhhhhsss :)
Lightmoon54 chapter 1 . 2/23/2013
Lovely story. I have to fave this.
1fairytaillover chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
awwwwwwwwwwwww no kiss
LinkLover123 chapter 1 . 11/23/2012
Whiiney chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Ahh platonic love, poor Lucy XD Are you going to leave it as a oneshot? Id love to read what happens next n_n
pinksnail chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
Ahhh! Cute ending!
GoldenRoseTanya chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
Beautiful Sensations chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
You know, in my mind, for a NaLu one shot to be good, it has to contain humour, fluff, romance and little hurt/comfort mixed in the middle. And of course, it has to be well written and interesting.

Your fic had all of that. I loved the humour, and the fluff, and Natsu was being so sweet and gentle at the end...and yet he was oblivious at the same time. Both Lucy and Natsu were perfectly in character. And wahahaha Laxus was so funny and cute at the same time! XD

There was only one mistake that I found : "I couldn't live Happy." I assume that it was supposed to be "I couldn't live without Happy." or something similiar.

Good job! :)

Beautiful Sensations.
Fairy x Hunter chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
It's sooo funny! Every one even the girls fought for Lucy! I can't imagine Laxus! XDDDDDDDDDDDD
phunky chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
This was extremely funny and... the Natsu part was so cute! aaahhh whatta lovely fanfic :) hahaha I really laughed when everyone fell inlove with her.
Jackpot 2 chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Great job on the fic. If there's one thing I like about certain NaLu fics, it's that almost everyone is in character, and not OOC. Just bothers me sometimes when near the end that Natsu confesses to her or something. This would make a good Omake for the manga or anime. Keep up the good work.
FaerieLight chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Very cute!
Psychadelic Unicorn chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Loved it! 3