Reviews for Making Ends Meet
hh chapter 18 . 5/5
A lot of time if I read a story with a polyamorous pairing, the major conflict in the story ends up being with the couple/ Like they all fight and have to move past it, but I really appreciate the lack of that here. It's so much better that they deal with such real struggles like disapproving parents, homophobia, expectations, finances, and schooling. I also like how you kept mentioning how old it was in their apartment. Because while New York doesn't actually get too much colder than Ohio or anything like that, they likely can't afford to turn their heat on high, if they even have a central air system in their apartment.
Cvanessa chapter 18 . 4/30
Love this so much!
breezy-kuki chapter 18 . 6/23/2015
This just became one of my favorite Sebklaine stories of all time!

Thank you for preserving the integrity of the characters while moving twoard a natural progresssion to their eventual relationship.

I love it!
534984651hhh chapter 7 . 6/14/2014
I'm loving this so much!
wolfish-willow chapter 18 . 11/20/2013
I don't want this to be finished, either. It is too amazing. I love it so much!

*rolls around* Just love how Sebastian is so /Sebastian/ at the start. The roommate agreement was great (love the bit of drama/emotion it created as each item was crossed off the list). I love how naturally the three of them just fell together. *flails*

I love everything about it (except the part where it's OVER because really, I just wanted it to go on forever).

Raven J. Haile chapter 18 . 11/13/2013
This was amazing, I adore this story. :3
Guest chapter 18 . 11/5/2013
Please write more. This is one of the better stories I have read. So please continue this and not let it be the end of the story!
Hardcore-nellie12-fan chapter 18 . 9/15/2013
Ugh I loved this one too much as well, I'm loving all the Sebangst !
MandiJo17 chapter 18 . 9/4/2013
This is for sure one of my fav stories...I think this is my 3rd time reading it through! Love it!
Irilisia chapter 18 . 8/23/2013
Beautiful... just beautiful.
Guest chapter 18 . 8/2/2013
Loved it!
Janice93 chapter 18 . 3/31/2013
This story is so interesting! I have been reading this for hours! Can't wait to read more!
HPandWforever chapter 18 . 3/28/2013
I really enjoyed reading this, and even though you've got everything nicely wrapped up here, I'd still love it if I found a sequel to this. ;)
LoginProblems chapter 18 . 3/13/2013
.dead. Becausethisneedstohappen. To all who says Sebby doesn't have feelings: take this fic as proof! I'm incredibly tired, but too addicted to your fiction to go to sleep, so sorry if I'm making no sence. But kudos for another great story!
Calmzone1 chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
Good story, good pacing of events, they didn't just move in together and jump straight into bed ;) They actually had to go through a natural progression of cold shoulder and no speaking right through to loving and supporting each other. Well done, but having read your other stories I didn't expect anything but a good story :)
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