Reviews for A Friend, A Balm
Whirlwind421 chapter 1 . 12/20/2017
Good story. :D
Mulberries chapter 1 . 11/29/2017
Love this, it's beautiful. I feel the ending could use a little more extrapolation ... for those of us whose memories don't hold to the movie after being sieved through fanfiction. All the best, Mulberries.
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 7/22/2015
uckc chapter 1 . 11/29/2014
This was a very interesting look at what may have planted a seed of care between the two.
ArainaHaldthin chapter 1 . 4/21/2014
I'm glad I finally found this! I read this a while back and then I had lost it. I've been searching for it for a couple of months now and finally stumbled upon it the other day. Yay!

I'm in love with this story. It's short and sweet and Loki doesn't even speak but it is an awesome story! Love it!
Sumi Anzu chapter 1 . 1/3/2014
CaliforniaDreamin03 chapter 1 . 11/15/2013
Wow it was amazing! Very touching and nicely written! Love it:)
Kylie chapter 1 . 7/19/2013
OMG BEST EVER! little strange about him naked but otherwise AWESOME!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2013
That was awesome! Could u continue it though?
Sam-Jo2013 chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
I just ran across this. Its really good. I loved it. Great sentence structure, awesome diction and imeragry, and a well about great plot. I wish this was continued though...
hawkeyeforever chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
You should totally continue this, your writing is brilliant. Happy Writing:)
Haiass.x chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
I don't know how i didn't notice this before, but I'm glad that I finally did. I absolutely love your stories and the way you write them. I think I'll take this one as a prequel to How the mighty have fallen, it provides the longest one with a background for Natasha and Loki's feelings and actions. Great, great job!
sharpestsatire chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
Augh! This is marked "complete"?! You're not continuing it, making it a full length story?! But - but - ! Pleeeeeease?
The Goddess Of Art chapter 1 . 10/19/2012
ooooowwwh this one was definitely a bit different from your usual thing :D

hm, now i love ALL the oc's (especially Evans ;D) and the ''torture'' scene you described was so vivid i could picture every single part of it!

now, i expected a bit more interaction - but this was it was SO MUCH BETTER. it is all in the silent connection, the sweep of his eyes, the strange dull feeling natasha gets while around him, the eery confusion and the last scene OMG i just have to comment on that on the beggining - the last scene was MIND BLOWING! i just remember the actual part in the movie when he looks at natasha and clint - and to, now, read a completely different twist on the original scene is amazing!

i especially loved the parallel you drew there - the fact natasha has been tortured the same way when she first arrived at SHIELD, and the pain of that memory that later becomes sympathy for Loki is just AH-MA-ZING ! brava! :D

Oh and Ryan :3 sweet, confused Ryan ! great character !

'' "Thanks, Cath," Natasha murmured, depositing her ice-pack into the metal tray at her side. She lowered herself onto the floor and straightened up. "I'll see you for the paperwork, Cap," she said, turning to Steve with a wry smile.
The captain grinned and raised a hand in farewell, before disappearing behind the crowd of medics - the crowd of mostly female medics – who clearly weren't all needed to treat one abdominal laceration. ''

this part - MY GOD - its everything! i swear i can practically SEE cap all smiley and shy surrounded by nurses omg LKASHDLAKHKLASHSALKHAS

'' Yet she knew she shouldn't complain; she and Steve had got off lightly. As soon as the battle was over and Loki had been captured, Clint had been carted off to a three-hour counselling session. This compulsory counselling was company policy... and one of the biggest in-jokes amongst agents. It was well-known that the counsellors and psychiatrists employed by S.H.I.E.L.D. were far more mentally unstable than their patients. Natasha pictured Clint sitting in a dimmed room, listening to whale music and Buddhist chants and tried not to smile. Yes, she could have it far worse. ''

GREAT PART ! i just love it... i kind of ship natasha and clint really hard so this part was so SAJDHLSKAHLAKHLSAKHLA!

"Stop it!" Natasha ordered, her voice rising.
Carter lowered the hose and he and Evans exchanged curious glances.
"Don't you want a go, Natasha?" Evans asked darkly. "You've got more cause than any of us to hate this bastard."

uuuuuh Evans is one nasty piece of work! :O

Carter held the hose out to her. Natasha knew exactly what they meant, and her eyes returned to the cowering, submissive form of Loki... Was this the same god who had slammed his fist against the glass by her head and pushed his face as close to hers as possible, spitting out his threats...? The one who had stolen Clint from her and played with his mind like it was a new toy, ready to toss him away as soon as he got bored...? Now this god had been reduced to nothing more than a shaking, defenceless child.


Now, in the park, with everyone watching, Natasha finally met Loki's gaze, just as he reached for the Tesseract. In the blue flash before Loki and Thor disappeared, Loki's bright green eyes found hers and with one look she had her answer... He remembered everything.


*sigh* I loved it!

thranduils.sass chapter 1 . 10/18/2012
That was great.
That part with Loki and Evans and Carter, my stomach just cringed. :(

Wonderful story, dearest.
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