Reviews for Feels Like Home
Guest chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
TasK chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
Wow, that really was a great story, keep on writing!
daansc88 chapter 1 . 10/26/2012
Thanks for annother Esplanie story! It was great!
Championship Vinyl chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
Oh. My. GOD. That! I! That was beautiful. You've done a *wonderful* job here.

First off, I am so addicted to any story where she takes care of him! Because he's been through so much, and I feel like he never lets himself admit he wants someone to love him, because that would seem like weakness, and he shouldn't be weak, he has to be strong for everyone else... Well, you know about that. XD But the way she was so tender with his eye, the way she kissed him... God, it was just gorgeous.

I also love the medical touch you included, mentioning hematoma. A lot of fic writers forget to do their research about Lanie and the things she knows (I'm guilty of that too), but you made sure she gave him the real diagnosis, and it made the story seem that much more true and honest. It was a very pleasant little detail, and I love little details.

The translation was very smooth! I could hear their voices all the way through, which I can't do with some other writers' translations. Some come out so awkward, but this wasn't like that. It felt sweet and pure, and you're very good at capturing how they can go from bickering to pure love with almost no transition necessary. It's wonderful. And of course she can't resist him, she can't even break UP with him without needing him around. XD I especially loved lines like "Son of a bitch. I look like hell." (Because that's SO Javi.) And the "Shh...dont" was just so emotional, it was perfect... I just have all kinds of feels because of you now. We're even! XDDD

If you think I'M such a good Esplanie writer, then congratulations: You are definitely the French Me. XDD I LOVE this story. Great job, hon. 3
jazphace chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
Absolutely perfect! Hot and Heavy! I thank you for keeping their relationship and love affair alive ;-)