Reviews for Confessions
AvidReader2236 chapter 1 . 12/21/2014
I really believe this could have happened. Well done!
pleurocoelus chapter 1 . 1/1/2014
This was a nice missing moment story, a good insight into both young ladies.
Ralinde chapter 1 . 3/15/2013
First of all, sorry for not reviewing 'Resistance'. I started reading it, but it was too graphic for me, sorry.

But on to the actual review: I think this was a great scene, Hermione would be confiding in Ginny, I definitely agree with that. It's great that Ginny knows what's going on between them, even if the two of them don't dare to admit it yet. Molly interrupting them was a great detail as well.
lowi chapter 1 . 3/13/2013
Aw, this was such a good capture of a really nice moment. I could definitely see this happening, as you say in your AN, it kind of makes sense.

I also like HermioneGinny friendship, so this was a really sweet example of that. Their teasing was cute, too!

Wonderful job!
the lola chapter 1 . 3/12/2013
You are really very good at characterization! I definitely think that this is a conversation they could of had, and they seemed really close here, and I loved Ginny's insight into Hermione and Ron. Love it :)
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 3/9/2013
What a lovely discussion between Hermione and Ginny :) I loved it, and it was very well written too :p I found both girl to be IC, and I like the idea that they gossiped while in the same room at the Burrow.
Great work!
keeptheotherone chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
Poor Ginny. I like how you've pictured her here, still the infatuated teenager but also with a maturity to care about Hermione and Ron and to realize that it's important to speak up and be honest about your feelings. And of course Hermione has given it a lot of thought ;)
silver-nightstorm chapter 1 . 2/5/2013
Oh, I really like this! It's wonderful to see Ginny and Hermione bonding in person, rather than being told that they're good friends without ever seeing it. I especially loved Ginny's insight into how Hermione loves Ron, and how Ginny is completely for the idea. Well done!
autumn midnights chapter 1 . 2/3/2013
I really like the friendship between Ginny and Hermione here! I can definitely imagine them having a girl talk like this, and I like that it's set at the beginning of DH - I haven't read that before, but it's an interesting idea. It seems so in-character for Ginny to want to go and fight evil as opposed to staying behind at school, and for Hermione to wish that she could stay behind at Hogwarts. The girls were both in-character throughout the whole fic, and their feelings about Harry and Ron fit in with canon very smoothly. I like the fact that Ginny can tell that Hermione loves Ron, even though they haven't admitted it to anybody but themselves yet. SPaG was good, also, and overall this is fantastic, you did a great job!
ladyoftheknightley chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
I love this - Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione are two of my favourite couples, and I love reading about Hermione and Ginny's friendship too, so this ticks all the right boxes! I definitely agree that the two girls would have had a chat like this before the trio went off Horcrux hunting, and I like that, although Ginny wanted to come, she understood why Hermione couldn't tell her anything. Overall, this was a lovely fic - thanks for sharing!
banshee1968 chapter 1 . 11/15/2012
Thanks for the story. I agree with you about Ginny being the one Hermione would talk to about Ron. Thanks fir doing a true friendship story without any romance. I always figured they had a sisterly love for one another. Most stories about them tend towards romance. I din't mind same sex romances, but I just don't see them this way.
MuggleCreator chapter 1 . 11/9/2012
What took you an entire book then? Oh yeah.. Ron being a prat.
Lizaluvsdoggies chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
Bah! Sorry - my ipad went weird anyway i was saying that i liked the addition of Molly shouting and i love that ginny was being all knowing and wise instead if hermione. Brilliant job :)
Forever Siriusly Sirius chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
I can totally picture this being canon. I love Ginnys descript
Jemennuie chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
I always like reading missing scenes from canon so this was very nice, and I can imagine that Ginny would be Hermione's closest female friend (aka the only person who she might talk about this sort of thing with). It did strike me as a bit odd that Ginny talked about Ron so openly, but maybe that's just because it's kind of an unspoken rule in my family that we don't talk about each other's relationships, so I can't really imagine myself talking about my brother like that. But of course there's lots of individual differences in that sort of thing, so that may just be me.

Anyway, I wanted to say I loved this line "So tell him, because he's a guy and he needs things spelt out for him." because it made me laugh out loud and is totally true for Ron. Also, the line "But I just can't help wishing it didn't matter that it would draw attention to my family" made me sad, because it was a bit sad that Ginny was thinking of that and that that contributed to her decision to not go, when I don't know if Ron ever thought about that in canon even though it's as true as much for him as for Ginny.

Anyway, nice one-shot!

(Also, random question, but I was looking at your story "Those Cunning Folk", and I thought I reviewed the Andromeda chapter of it previously for review tag, but then the review doesn't seem to have shown up. Am I just totally mixed-up and never actually reviewed it, or did I accidentally copy and paste it into review tag without actually posting the review, or something? I just want to make sure that you actually got the review instead of wondering where it was or something :)
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