Reviews for Remind Me
edwards-sparrow chapter 20 . 10/2/2019
When are you doing the sequel to this?
Guest chapter 25 . 7/12/2019
Thumbs down for the last 5 chapters
blux633 chapter 20 . 3/5/2019
Where is the rest of the story?
NUCGIRL72 chapter 25 . 6/27/2018
Where’s the rest...
Aggie94 chapter 25 . 6/9/2018
Well interesting story... odd ending. Thank you for sharing your words. Meg.
AshleyStewart09 chapter 25 . 2/7/2018
Please I beg you what happens does he just kill Edward. Please let him just behead him and Alice.
Green Eyed Lana Lee chapter 8 . 10/18/2017
It was most wonderful to read a lemon scene even if they didn't get a chance to really complete it !

They've created a lie which is really going to bite them in the butt and I know Charlie is not going to handle it well emotionally or physically and he probably going to blow his top when he learns all the detail involved in their situation !
Green Eyed Lana Lee chapter 7 . 10/18/2017
First hunting trip went well an I hope Bella can convert to animal blood without to much difficulty!

It's good Bella believes Charlotte is going to love Juliette an trustworthy enough to spend time with the child!

Charlie is a whole new country and I hope things go well with him!
Green Eyed Lana Lee chapter 6 . 10/18/2017
I was really upset when Jasper told Bella to go upstairs and put Juliette in his bed! He really hurt her feelings because he didn't introduce her to his family! I think she should have called him out on it even if she was so forgiving!

There scene sitting under the willow tree was a really sweet moment!
Green Eyed Lana Lee chapter 5 . 10/18/2017
Just a thought love, did you sit through to the very end of BD2? Carlyle and Jasper didn't die and it was only Alice sharing vision with Aro. I didn't think Peter and Charolotte were properly cas in the movie either!

I can't do a comparison to the "Reprise" from now until it catches up to the original so I'll try to the comparison there. Regarding this chapter, I loved it! Jasper is awesome with Juliette! They are already so attached to one another! I'm glad they talked all night and I was so happy to see them take it slow!

Regarding Bella's kills, I was happy she at least tried to cover up the last one!

All I all, it's an excellent chapter! Also, please let me know if what I'm sharing with you regarding the original and the "Reprise" is helpful or not?
Green Eyed Lana Lee chapter 4 . 10/18/2017
Chapter three in this version flows really well and is very clear. As compared to the new story, I liked it better! Things don't happen in the same chapter as the original so it's tricky to compare them! Again, I liked how Jasper went to Carlyle to discuss his unwillingness to go to Italy and how he said his goodbyes to the family in the "Reprise" but it flows better in this story. I also prefer Jasper's plan to change Bella as opposed to killing her and Juliette in the "Reprise"!

In chapter four, I'm glad Bella and Jasper have mate bond and Bella doesn't want Juliette's blood! One things not clear in either version and it's whether Jasper cleaned up Bella's the mess of Bella's three victims or not? This chapter flows really well in the original and the building blocks are much clearer. I do like you added Charlie and Sue's romance, marriage and twins into the "Reprise" as it's such a great addition to the story!
Green Eyed Lana Lee chapter 2 . 10/17/2017
I had already reviewed chapter one of this story and I couldn't write a review this time around. I loved the original chapter one nmore than the new one although the new one has much more detail in it and some changes such as Charlie and Sue in a torrid relationship which is really a horrific shock to Bella on top of learning she's pregnant!

The revisions you did in the "Reprise" regarding how he said good bye and left the Cullen's is so much better than in the original I just read because it gave some very appropriate closer for Jasper!

I also loved getting a feel for Jasper's roots as described in this chapter! It was wonderful and his homecoming was quite perfect!

I've already written a review for chapter three in this story so I'll comment on it in chapter four!
KyloRen'sgirl213 chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
Love this work
celajwhitney chapter 2 . 7/12/2017
he hasn't been there for fifty years and his horse is still alive?
xOSilverRavenOx chapter 4 . 1/31/2017
one would think she would have been pissed about the hole neck rape thing and the kidnapping I know I would be
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