Reviews for Jealousy
Gakuto-Fan-912 chapter 1 . 11/22/2016
This is simply amazing! Ye right Xanxus, you weren't jealous at all :) Great fic. Very thankful of your friend :)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/28/2016
I am so thankful your friend chose XS even tho your friend doesn't know khr! This is the best! Jealous Xanxus for the win! And oblivious Squalo! The XS was amazing. And the tiny 80S is great too.. I wish you could write more XS., please?
Svelis chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
Love it! Xanxus is a lovely guy in his own way... his teenager's love is so sweet!...despite the fat that he could have killed poor Yamamoto for nothing, but that is fine, he survived anyway!
LeeSeonJu chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
AMAZING ! This fanboy is addicted... XD
PLEAAAAAASSSSEEEE can you write a sequel? :3 :3 :3 3
JustAhReader chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
Ha Love Xanxus' way of thinking!

Write more of these two!
Crystal-Mafia2 chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
'After watching like a dedicated and observant Boss for over 2 hours from his widow-' was the last word meant to be window? I think it was, not too sure really.

Your friend is seriously oblivious to KHR? Yet she chose XS of all pairings? Amazing.

Nice story.
maxxie chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
Loved it! I just adore jealous xanxus.
Ihavenoaccount chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
How come none of your stories have ever been reviewed before? This is great! XS FOREVERRRRRRR Lol sorry...
KIRI NO BASHOE chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
I like it!
It's GODAMN AMAZING how that friend of yours chose this pairing at random ( my guess ), I can't imagine if I ask someone who is oblivious about KHR to chose a pairing they'll give me some random pairing that don't make sense at all ( after they cried: eww! gays!... )
The story, besides being very short, is really amazing. I especially like the part " he had smashed a whole tray of his most precious whiskey glasses, the ones he reserved for drinking alone so he wasn't tempted to throw them at his annoying second in command's head." I actually laughed at that.
Past Story chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
That was amazing! I love this pairing so much! And I really like jealous xanxus a lot!