Reviews for Everdark
IndigoSnake16 chapter 4 . 3/21/2015
That was quite entertaining. I have to say, though, some of it was a little difficult to follow. Sometimes I had no idea who was talking and I was mildly confused at times, but I definitely got the gist. I filled in the blanks. You certainly got the mood right. I'm a sucker for happy endings too. I feel like they could turn this into an actual movie...some kind of Slenderman/ToS crossover thing. That would be pretty awesome. Or at least, someone make the last scene when they're all in that room again into fanart.

Almost inspires me to write my own Halloween themed ToS fic, but...I'm not so good with descriptions let alone making it sound creepy.

This was great, almost perfect!
IndigoSnake16 chapter 1 . 3/21/2015
I had no idea that the Dishonored Trailer had a song like this. Here I thought you had simply changed up the words to "Drunken Sailor". In my head, I was hearing that song so it kind of threw me off. It's an old sea shanty sometimes called "Drunken Sailor" or "What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor" now made to sound even creepier...I just know this from playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag. One of the sidequests in the game is collecting shanties. While you're on the ship, the sailors can then sing the ones you've collected. Kind of cool, I thought. That was my favorite one and I incorporated it into an original story that I was writing...I changed the words up as well. Pretty easy to do if you can keep the same syllables...

Imagine my surprise to see that song in this story. Two of my favorite things in the same place (ToS and "Drunken Sailor")! This is definitely shaping up to be a good horror fic. I'm going to read this again on Halloween this year just so I can get in the mood. Great job with the writing and also for keeping everyone in character. It's probably even more difficult to do when you have the whole group. Anyways, off to read the next chapter!
Greki chapter 4 . 1/3/2015
I just read the whole thing in the middle of the night, in a wintery and rainy day, while everyone's asleep. Excuse me while I go to the bathroom.
Moonlight M3lody chapter 4 . 11/8/2012
It's the best Halloween story. The creepiest part is a short while after I finished reading this, there's a heavy rainfall then sudden blackout. Thank you for making me very paranoid!

The crew are all very in character! I absolutely love the irony that even though they ordered each other to stay together, at the end they kept being separated. I don't know much about Slenderman, and I'd like if you could elaborate more on what happened to the man (and Matt!). If I got it right, then the man inviting them was Slenderman himself? The ending is just...eerie. Will this mean we're going to get sequel next year?

And Colette should really stop befriending strangers. I mean 'strange' strangers. Zelos is so funny! Then we have Sheena, who actually cared for Zelos even though she didn't want to admit it. Raine's pretty badass too, casually reading the journal with the owner's soul looming above her. I'll not do that even with a protective ward. Genis is cute! Presea, however, struck me a bit. She should've told them that before they managed to set foot that far! Poor, poor Regal. He's the only one having to deal with almost anything himself. Lloyd's Lloyd. I'm surprised he didn't try to shout any Dwarven Vow to the ghosts;p

I'm imagining Linitaa's Halloween art (check it out in Deviantart), the one where the crew head to a haunted mansion while reading this. If you can draw, make a fanart out of this please.
Looking forward for another tasteful Halloween!
DJmiso chapter 4 . 11/5/2012
that... was fricking... creepy. o_o you write awesome horror stories. i mean, i've always thought of slenderman as a joke sort of thing, but you successfully made it creepy enough fer me to stare longer at the shadows in my room. xD;
Regal Bryant Lover chapter 4 . 11/1/2012
What? This fic still doesn't have a review? Well, we better change that! :D

This was a great story. Everyone was perfectly in character and the writing was great! I loved it! Colette has to stop being so friendly with suspicious characters! And the little girl really creeped me out, I was screaming at Zelos to run away! Then poor Lloyd fell through the stairs and ended up in the basement! I was scared that Jack (Jake?) was going to do something horrible to Regal when they were in the woods together, but when Presea was found by the Slenderman I almost lost it. (Sorry, my review is going to be like this since I read the whole thing in one sitting) Having the Slenderman pretend to be Regal at the end was a huge shock! I thought it was weird when 'Regal' called Colette 'Girl' instead of her name, but I never guessed it was because it wasn't really Regal! When Zelos was panicking about the Slenderman I started to get all panicky too! I was up until 1 AM on Halloween reading this! This was a great story and I hope you post another story like this!

Random and crazy,