Reviews for Not According to Plan
Bree chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
I really adore this fic; it's so well written, LENGTHY (it's so rare these days to find good quality, well written lengthy snow/light fics), in character, etc. and thes a bit of humor in it too.

But on a serious note: a few days you (I'm 99.99% sure it was you) posted a new snow/light one shot, yeah? It was about being 'drunk' or really it had the word "drink" in it, something about driving too if I can recall. Just wondering why did you remove it? I opened it up in a separate tab and was going to read it the next day. That tomorrow arrives and I open the tab prepared to read another wonderful snow/light fic but says it's gone. Just curious to why you removed it, weren't you satisfied with the final fic or something? I know you most likely wont reply to me but I really hope you re-load it again. I apologize if I've just confused you with somebody else and their work, so it wasn't you.
Bree chapter 1 . 1/9/2014
Aww really cute and in character. It's extremely late but I read it all in one go.
TenyumeKasumi chapter 1 . 9/6/2013
If I could hug you for this, I would.

Wonderfully written! I like how the relationship between Lightning and Snow developed slowly and believably over time rather than it escalating quickly over the course of a few paragraphs. It allows the reader to truly go though the journey with Lightning, and fully understand her reasons and justifications behind her actions.

I was a little daunted by the length and think it could have been split into several chapters, but I think this is one of the rare occasions when having it as one long chapter actually better serves to enhance the overall experience and immersion which would otherwise have been broken by having to click the next button. I also spotted a few grammatical errors, though none are too glaring to warrant much attention.

So, good job! I love seeing that there are people like you out there who do this pairing justice. :D
artilyon-rand chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
DEAR OR :D this why i ship Claire x snow people always taking her side when it come to emotional problems she is sturborn as hell she hurts people and makes evwerything mooooooaaar complicate...(she is adorable x3) and damn thats why snow is perfect the one who never never ...(NEEEVER) give ups on the ones who he cares and slighly sturborn as her
Lightwings chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
Very philosophically and quite emotionally. I think there are a lot of people who can relate to similar feelings - myself no exception. I really like your writing and this story. It is totally different from the other stories.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/9/2012
Awesome and beautiful. Been a while since I was intrigued enough to read a story from beginning to end. Well done!
TheMissAdventurer chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
So I feel compelled to review this, and I think it's because I kind of have mixed feelings about this story...

Overall, it's definitely far from bad. I like your style, and I appreciate that you took the time and effort to think through the way you say things- you know, strong vocabulary and all. And I also appreciate the fact that you attempted a LightxSnow fic (and a MOTHER of one at that! Over 10,000 words...), because they're hard to take on and there's not too many floating around here, despite the amount of potential that I think is there.

But there's something about this that's a little hard to put my finger on...I'll do my best.

I know it's something about the characterization, and if anything I'd attribute that to the dialogue and inner thoughts. I get that Lightning's supposed to be cold and harsh and that Snow's like a big lovable teddy bear, but there's just so much more to them than that. I found myself counting the times that Snow was laughing or grinning in this story, or the times that Light would frown or say something abusive or rude. (The counting problem might have to do with the dialogue modifiers though, more than anything else. Just try to switch them up here and there.) It's okay for them to act like that at first, and I was buying it for a while...but about halfway through I started asking myself why Snow was still smiling every time she hurled an insult at him, when he should have snapped instead, or why Lightning was still acting cruelly towards him, especially when her thoughts about liking him directly conflicted with what she said. She seemed to be having a terrible time on those dates- why did she keep agreeing to them, then? In fact, why did she hate him so much to begin with? In the game, it was because he took Serah away from her, but obviously that isn't a problem here. The only evidence I could find was that it was because of NORA and how "unplanning" he is, vs. how organized she is. Maybe that's enough grounds for dislike or simple incompatibility. But the whole time I was like, "Wow, she REALLY doesn't like him AT ALL." It just seemed to take too much of the depth out of their characters and "flatten" them a bit, is all.

I get that they're different from each other and 100%, completely agree, but you centered so much on the main difference being organization and planning. There's a crapload of other differences between them that would have been helpful to bring in at times- for example, how passionate of a person Snow is and how he speaks his mind, vs. how Lightning expresses affection in a very subtle way. But every scene was always "planning planning planning", to the point where it got really repetitive and predictable, even if that's what you were driving at.

Another thing that just came to mind for me was the way it progressed. As in, you would TELL us that they were gradually falling for each other. But we didn't actually SEE it, so it was a bit disappointing. It was just jumping from point A to point F, without explaining how they arrived there emotionally. They didn't bond much on the dates...or if they did, it all happened offscreen or it was buried in some part of the exposition. I found myself asking how they were in love by the end.

Ok wow, I need to stop because that's much too long, but I hope it makes sense!

I really hope this doesn't come across as being overly negative. It's more or less just me overanalyzing and getting caught up in's what I do OTL And I also hope that this helps you in some way, (since that's what I'm really here to do :)) and that you keep writing Light/Snow fics. Kudos!
flowerangel050 chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
Snow is really sweet Lovely story!
0erbayunFang chapter 1 . 11/4/2012
That was the cutest one-shot I've ever read! And I think you got the characters exactly right with this, is was just perfect!
LittleMissMidnight chapter 1 . 10/30/2012
Very cute. I love it from the start to the end. I have read a few LightxSnow fics with them going on a date so the concept isn't that new but still, it was a nice fic to read. It's much different to the recent ones that are all depressing. xD