Reviews for Hatters & Tea
Fighting4Fantasy chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
A delight! I loved every second of it! I love the idea that Jefferson and Hatter are brothers (something I have thought of several times, myself). Both stayed in character and were quite their enjoyable selves :)
I'd love to see a companion piece to this!
Queen of Dorks chapter 1 . 8/19/2013
I love it! Please please please write more... Just for me? I don't have an account, i'm using guest, but if you could that'd be great! I love them as brothers! So good! Oh... and they are H-O-T hot! I love them both! Please write more!
edwardfiend chapter 1 . 1/26/2013
Love it. :)
X5 - 452 and 494 chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
This is really awesome! I know it says that this is complete, but I really think you should continue with this, it's amazing and I could just see it being even awesomer if it went of into the second season and what not. Either way though, I love it. And I agree, they are also my favorite Hatters! Btw, I really liked how they're the "Brother Hatters", makes me think of like the Brothers Grimm and stuff. :)

Again, this is awesome!
Sweets And Charades chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
These two are absolutely brilliant as brothers! I am glad I wasn't the only one who thought of that! XD My favorite Hatters as well :)
Robbyn chapter 1 . 11/26/2012
Great story! Jefferson and Hatter would make such awesome brothers. I can totally see them having a conversation like this. If only Hatter was in Once Upon A Time...
Nice work :)
MidnightShadow07 chapter 1 . 11/9/2012
Although I love Johnny Depp's Hatter, I do like the modern Hatter's as well. :) I love this one-shot!