Reviews for The Camphor Tree
tJj8i chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
Veri n1c3Ttfst0ridf
Sheeplion chapter 1 . 6/14/2013
This is one of the saddest fanfictions I've ever read. But it was really good though.
Legion3849 chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
That's just sad...
enchantedforest33 chapter 1 . 2/5/2013
i really liked this. it was well written and a good insight to after the movies. i'm kind of hoping that mei would get to see totoro again but i still really liked it all the same. thank you for sharing it with all of us readers on fanfiction.
BlankyTheRockDorkinsnob chapter 1 . 1/7/2013

NyanCat13 chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
Aww, really sad, :( No wonder poor Mei's miserable, I would be too. I hope the family of Totoros will remember them, and the soot gremlins/sprites. And it appears as though Satsuki's changed as well, growing up and accepting responsibilty isn't an easy thing to do, and it looks as though she's lost her belief in Totoro.
Doesn't she even remember riding in the giant, grinning, yellow catbus? Or that Totoro arranged for it to find Mei and take them both to the hospital to see if they're mother was alright? What about how she leant him that umbrella, or how all the neighbours helped look for Mei. Doesn't she miss Kanta?

Anyway, this story is sad but sweet, it was very sad about their Mum dying, (what illness did she have anyway, it is not clearly stated in the film that she had anything major. According to most people, it was, "just a cold," but I like how you've taken a deeper insight on things, could it have been something more?!)

I really liked this story, and it appears to be the only My Neighbour Totoro story on the archive, very well-written, descriptive, imaginative, original and unique. Those tree and forest mononoke, (technically, Totoro is a Mononoke,) will definetly remember unforgetable girls like Satsuki and Mei Kusekabe. :)
thebigcrunchone9 chapter 1 . 12/4/2012
Good Job If you can give my Totoro fanfiction a try I just started writing but I would like to see what you think.
Daniella the muggle chapter 1 . 12/1/2012

My Neighbour Totoro is one of the movies I grew up with. I always watched it when I was at my Japanese grandmother's house, and to this day it brings nostalgia.

It's one of my favourite movies specifically because I have a special place for it in my heart.

It's sometimes hard to let go of a precious friend or memory, but in life sometimes it's that way: to move forward and grow up. It won't always be easy, but the end result is worth it.
blue.totoro chapter 1 . 11/20/2012
*sniff* *sniff* SOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBB!
Okay, emotional moment over. That story was really sad. Sad but good. As you can imagine, I'm a big Studio Ghibli fan, and this is by far one of the best Ghibli stories I've read so far. I really liked how Totoro never actually showed up. It made the story more poignant. It deserves to be read, and reviewed.
Well done Hmuff!
Pink-Pencil-Girl303 chapter 1 . 11/8/2012
Awwwww! :') That was a very bittersweet and beautiful piece. As heart-breaking as it is, I like that Mei didn't find Totoro - it's better that way, more like he can exist as a memory. You have such a lyrical, poignant style that really played to the mood of Studio Ghibli's sunny, panoramic atmospheres; "...dandelions that punctuated the unkempt yard." Wow. I can't get enough of your writing.
May I request a Howl's Moving Castle one-shot, if you ever find the inspiration/idea? :D Howl's a great angst-y character...