Reviews for A Happy Birthday
BrittanyLS chapter 12 . 5/14/2013
Beautiful story!
ASianSuccessor2012 chapter 12 . 4/21/2013
This is wonderful and beautifully written! I love it! Your story got me totally captivated :) This by far the BEST Princess Diaries story I've ever read! I love how you portrayed all the characters and those sweet family heartwarming it truly was! Keep on writing! You are very gifted.
Honkytonkangel chapter 12 . 3/24/2013
aaw I'm kinda sad that C figured it out. I totally thought they had managed to pull it off. But still It's sweet that she didn't let on to anyone but J. Loved the speeches, they were beautiful, especially Pierre's, and it's cool to see him back in the family where he belongs. And of course it was fabulous to see so many people there for C, she deserves it.
It was a fabulous end to the story. And I hope C&J enjoy their own party later (but I think that's a given). Can't wait to read whatever you write next.
tengland2 chapter 12 . 3/24/2013
Nicely done, they got away with it and even Charlotte managed not to tell. Sweet speechs from each of them. Somehow I thought she may have figured something was up. They did a nice job of keeping it small and Clarisse was/is happy.
Johanna-002 chapter 11 . 3/13/2013
Please update soon! Please! Like with ice-cream and cherries and sprinkles!
Heart of Genovia chapter 11 . 3/11/2013
Awww that was lovely, if only other men were like Joseph eh? he he Perfect shopper, of course he probably has been shopping with her for years and years ha ha knows what she loves and what she doesn't he he

Can't wait to
Honkytonkangel chapter 11 . 3/10/2013
aaw love J bless him. Knew he would spoil C.
Loved what Mia & Pierre did for her too. As much as part of me wishes C&J could spend her birthday locked in their suite, (which I know they have for part of it) it's fabulous & beautiful that they have done this for her. I was VERY nervous that they were gonna be busted when C saw them at the ballroom.
This has been so much fun. Can't wait for the party now.
tengland2 chapter 11 . 3/10/2013
Bit over done on the flowers, but she is the former queen. Loved the presents, particularly the photo album. They managed to talk their way out of another gathering that she caught them at. Just wondering if she really knows what their doing and not letting them know it. The fact he bought the perfect blue dress for her and seems to be getting away with it. Looking forward to the second part.
LadyLuxembourg chapter 11 . 3/10/2013
Brilliant :)
I really like this story. Very cute.

I am looking forward to the next chapter.
Honkytonkangel chapter 10 . 3/2/2013
aaw so sweet and just the thing to cheer me up from my sick bed lol. They are sooo beyond cute. I think J will have a shelf full of 'perfect husband' awards before long. Happy C changed her mind about celebrating and can't wait to see her reaction. And happy they have all managed to keep the secret. I really didn't think they would hold out lol.
tengland2 chapter 10 . 3/2/2013
If only Clarisse knew what they had in mind. So nicely done, Joseph so full of compliments to his wife. Loved that he served her breakfast in bed and the simple piece of jewelry.
Honkytonkangel chapter 9 . 2/16/2013
as always very sweet and C&J are still too cute. Love all the memories and different perspectives ypu bring into the story. And loved loved loved J pulling C into the shadows, very romantic. And loved the end, I hope Mia does indeed ;ask her grandmother' cos I wanna know what happened too. So excited for the party, but will be sad to see the story end.
tengland2 chapter 9 . 2/16/2013
Joseph always the protector, confidence builder to his "girls". Mia may not like tradtions, but it goes with the job and Parliment will always be there, work and balls. Clarisse willing to protect Mia as well, there is a fine line between grandmother and monarch that makes it difficult. Nicely done on Joseph's part to dance with Mia and Clarisse tugging him into darkness. Mia is always asking someone about C/J and never getting the answers she wants. Love the fact Joseph walked away from her and told her to "Ask your grandmother!".
Guest chapter 8 . 1/29/2013
Explains why Mia sasses her Grandmother. Nicely done. She maybe looking forward to her birthday, but if only she knew. :D
Honkytonkangel chapter 8 . 1/28/2013
aaaw fabulous as ever. It was so sweet to see the conversation between C & Mia, love to see them getting closer. Loved the zoo story, too funny. And C&J are as always too cute. Happy C is looking forward to her birthday. I am too.
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