Reviews for Turning Points
Guest chapter 66 . 7/31
Ahhhhhhhhh this story is amazing!
DoomCookie00 chapter 66 . 7/3
2 years later, will this story get continued? :D
Jazzy757505 chapter 66 . 5/18
I love your unique take on Prowl's story. It's so good and it's not cliche at all. It's realistic and just awesome in every way. I do hope you would continue updating.
00Chup chapter 66 . 5/17
will you be continuing this story one day? you're an amazing writter
kyuuo chapter 66 . 5/16
Love your story
i've reread it a few times allready and i hope for a new chapter.
hope all is well in your life and you had a wonderfull wedding
Icanhascamaro chapter 66 . 4/15
I’ve been rereading this because, much like watching a movie multiple times, I’m picking up on more things that I have on the first read through. Even ten times alter, I see new things or I make connections that I hadn’t before. Also, Prowl really resonates with me. I haven’t been treated as roughly or as unfairly as he has, but I feel it when he’s blamed for something he didn’t do, or if he’s belittled.

I’m almost glad this hasn’t been finished because I can live in their world. It’s not perfect, but everyone is still there and they make sense with what they do and how they love. I wish you could write a version of them coming to earth that doesn’t follow Bayverse. As much as I love that Bayverse has reinvigorated the Tranformers universe, I despise what Bay did. From needlessly killing off Jazz and Ironhide (and others), to butchering the characterizations of Hound and Wheeljack and Mirage, to giving some mechs abs of steel and wiry hair. It doesn’t make sense to me. The music is the best, as all of the movies so far have instrumental scores that inspire me to write (writer’s blocked as I am, at any rate).

I hope all is well with you and anyone reading this. Stay safe, everyone!
Guest chapter 66 . 3/21
Hi, just thought I would drop in to say how much I love this story. I have read it through three or four times now, and I always enjoy it. I hope you come back to it one day, but even if you don't, I still love it.
Talisman chapter 66 . 2/5
Love your story so much
Thank you so much for this jazz and prowl friendship fic and the brilliant defection plot
Read your story plenty of times and still keep coming back to it its so good
Its like a gripping thriller i keep pressing next chapter next chapter
Thank you for sharing this magnificent piece of work with all us readers
Congratulations and best of luck in everything you do
And thank you so much for this
Talisman chapter 66 . 2/5
Love your story so much
Your characterization of prowl and jazz's friendship is so great
I was getting tired of reading only romance between them and your plot is a breath of fresh air
Bluestreak and Prowl are my favourite family pair and i look forward to more of their interactions
Congratulations and wishing you the best in everything you do
Thank you so much for this story)
PeculiarOne chapter 66 . 1/13
Thank you so much for writing this! It is astoundingly well-written, and I'm officially hooked! As a new member of the fandom, you not only wrote Turning Points well as a draw-in, but the characterizations are spot on from what I've seen from official sources. Also, this clarifies/explains a lot of the stuff most fans already know and take for granted that leaves late comers like me slightly stranded, while wrapping it in a story so enticing with rollercoaster emotions that you can't put it down!
Thanks again for the ride, and may God bless you. ;-)
64hourstilihAve chapter 66 . 12/18/2019
Can’t wait till this is updated bc it’s great
Guest chapter 66 . 10/24/2019
Love it, still rereading it, please never forget us, you awesome author!
Guest chapter 66 . 10/24/2019
Hello, long time fan here, I am rereading every chapter for what feels like the 100th time and I still. Love very bit of it. I really hope we would hear from you soon, have a nice day!
Lorraine49 chapter 55 . 10/17/2019
So satisfying to see Prowl become head of tactical! And I always find myself grinning along with Smokescreen :)
Mucking Fuppet chapter 1 . 10/8/2019
Hey Alathea2, I've enjoyed this work of yours far more than you'd probably be aware since I've not once commented my appreciation for your skill at writing such a brilliant piece of fanfiction which is to my own discredit.

It's been a year since we- all your loyal and, indeed, hopeful readers- heard from you. Please don't be gone, or giving up on this story. Just... please. Please don't. This is such a fantastic piece I don't think I can bear it if it just... stopped.

So please, please continue. I don't know what life's like for you right now, but even just 200 words a day. Something, anything. I'm beyond eager to see what you come out with next and I'd bet good money that I'm not the only one.

Take care of yourself. I sincerely hope to hear a chapter alert in my e-mail inbox soon.
All the best,
Mucking Fuppet
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