Reviews for Evolution
Jctherebel chapter 8 . 3/17
Amazing story, hope it gets revived
Guest chapter 8 . 2/4/2019
Guest chapter 8 . 3/29/2018
if you guys want to expand the section 8 fan base do it write a story of an section 8 crossover story on fan fiction if you want more information on section 8 go to section 8 wiki fandom or watch the section 8 game on no commentary.
Absolom Hellgate chapter 8 . 12/1/2017
holy hell am I in love with this fic. the section 8 fanbase is too small for my liking.
Der Kaiser chapter 8 . 11/7/2016
so awesome i hope you come back to the story and continue it
The P.B.G chapter 1 . 4/9/2016
I love section 8 and I love Mass Effect more. But still please don't go the way of many first contact fics where you get bogged down in the politics, please.

Otherwise a decent story, looking forward to when its updated.
Peacekeeper 37 chapter 8 . 1/14/2016
This is beautiful. Looking forward to more. (I know what it's like having life get in the way of writing stories.)
Can't Wait chapter 8 . 12/29/2015
Man, the wait for the next chapter drop already is as bad as waiting for new chapters for Berserk.
Though I definitely love how you're going about it, it's slow-paced but you're certainly weaving a helluva crossover with an underrated game like Section 8, but it stills need some work since I noticed minor alignment problems with some sections in the chapter; could be simple format issues at hand. Though at least there was no discernable grammatical mistakes, far as I could see, so my immersion wasn't hampered by faulty nuances like that.
SPARTAN-626 chapter 8 . 11/22/2015
This has potential and I'm looking forward to see where this goes and what you will do here. I like how you combined the two so far as well how you the first contact and negotiations went. I'm looking forward to see more with where and how it goes from here.

But I'm just wondering what does the Empire's other ships and fighters look like? I know you did the class of ship thing but do they look like bigger versions of the ships we see in S8? Or they look like human ships from HALO, StarCraft, Stargate or what? Sorry but I just like the details on things and such.

Again nice work so far keep it up.
Arcturus-Lightbringer chapter 8 . 11/4/2015
Awesome fic. Really want to see some "Mr. Hall do diplomatical-teabag to councilors" in future chapters.
I really hope that Humanity will not follow Council's bullshit because let's be clear:

Thouse 'limitations' like small fleet, no AI's and other crap might be good for new (young) species who are "newbies in space and shit" like original-ME-Humanity because
1) it's can help them to avoid the mistake (rogue AI's)
2) Probably the size of their fleet and numbers of their colonies is lesser than the Council's limit and they like "Hey! We still can build so much spacecraft and conquer shitty worlds!"

But for someone far more advanced, like the Humanity from those "Humans are superior"-fanfics. Who have enought firepower to go "Smash-Kill-Destroy-SWAG" straight to the Citadel...
Simultaneously tea-bagging their economy...
While building they're own "Citadel v2.0" planet-class spacecraft.
Simply disgraceful to obey such restrictions.

I really hope you'll save this spirit at least until there'll be some "game-changer".
And look forward to a new chapter! Good Luck and Godspeed!
darkfinder chapter 8 . 8/18/2015
fun to see what happens next .
darkerego chapter 8 . 8/6/2015
Good chapter, glad to see this story is still kicking.
Freeride600 chapter 8 . 8/3/2015
Dude, this chapter turned out awesome. Now we're just gonna have to wait and see what Codename Janus is going to be.

Thanks for the shoutout, and including the 517th here. Keep up the kickassery!
Illuviar chapter 8 . 8/3/2015
Very good chapter! I hope you'll be able to update again relatively soon!
Hiei-Uchiha chapter 8 . 8/3/2015
An excellent story, please continue the great work!
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