Reviews for more distant than stars
scarl3twitch chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
Thoroughly enjoyed this one, too! Not enough Ursa fics out there. I loved the hinted interactions between Ursa and Azula. Reading something like this helps me recall exactly what kind of awful environment it takes to aid someone like Azula in becoming the person she is at the end of the series. Also, on another note: I adore all your titles and summaries for your fics! They're poetic and succinct and full of imagery that match up beautifully with the stories. :)
kittenxxkisses chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
I'm so surprised there were no Macbeth quotes here :D

This is amazing. I feel like you captured the essence and atmosphere of the occasion really well, and the Azula-appreciation was a nice touch.

kat xx
SwampTreader chapter 1 . 11/27/2012
This was very very good! I really liked how you portrayed Ursa :)
Alabaster86 chapter 1 . 11/13/2012
Interesting take on an event we like to speculate about. I think most of us envision poison or perhaps smothering with a pillow, rather than stabbing.

But good old Ozai could certainly have this more brutal murder covered up. And the poison reasoning makes sense.

I thought of Lady Macbeth when Ursa was washing up? Was that intentional?

What's best here is the contrast between what Ursa was and what Azulon and Ozai forced her to become.

And the little comment about Azula..that says a lot.

Well done and thanks for sharing with us.
DragongirlM chapter 1 . 11/13/2012
So THAT'S where she went! This is that bizarre mix of depressing, eerie and poetic you seem to have mastered. I dare you to write something long and use capital letters in the title and summary! xD

(To which I can picture you replying, "I dare you to write something, period, Dragon." :P )

BTW, throughout the sixth paragraph I kept thinking, "Out, damned spot!" and I think that was what you were going for. So, yeah, awesome as usual. :D