Reviews for Faster, Mudblood! Kill! Kill!
spellbook chapter 10 . 6/17/2013
Too bad this isn't complete, because it's a great story. Definitely true to the description that it's along the lines of pulp/b-movies. I love Hermione as a spy and I love the tension between Draco and Harry. Not enough zombie action as I was hoping for, but I could see that coming in later chapters (if the story was complete).
LuLaine chapter 3 . 5/18/2012
uhh, hello!

okay, i find it so weird to be writting you after all this time, but the other day I was talking about fanfics with my friend and suddenly remembered of 'faster, mudblood! kill! kill!

I remember reading in 2006 or 2007 and JUST FREAKING LOVING IT! Really, i read all the chapters in like two or three hours.

So, I'm sure you moved on from it... and i completely understand that. I was just wondering if you would mind telling me how was the end you had planned for it? like, i'm THAT curious.

hope you still have the same email!


harry potter chapter 3 . 3/11/2011
you are so sad its un real
ValorOrgulloso chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! is an all time favorite of mine. Thanks for writing this lol.
Dieu Anonyme chapter 10 . 11/4/2008
Awesome story. Marvelous portrait of a vanished changes Harry. Lovely characters. Please tell me you've written more but just forgot to post it... Please please do.
Gryff-Slytherin chapter 9 . 2/12/2008
Just to let you know that the story is categorized under Harry/Hermione, not Severus/Hermione or Draco/Harry. I kinda missed reading the pairings in the summary but I figured it out...but great story! Please continue and update...pretty please!
acciotardis chapter 10 . 12/8/2007
OMG, noz. Where is the rest? this is seriously some fantastic stuff. great job. can't wait for more, hope there is more.
cloey chapter 10 . 7/4/2005
please continue with this story it has so much going for it
Cat chapter 10 . 1/14/2005
Wonderful story! Please keep going! You writing is far superior to the majority of ff writers. The story is interesting with a creative use of characters. If you have more posted on another site,please let us know! MORE!
Silly Spawn chapter 10 . 8/24/2004
I just stumbled over this story and I like it, a lot. Harry cracked, Malfoy in muggle-world exile, Snape with Hermione and Ron... Why don't you continue? please?
Andrea chapter 10 . 8/4/2004
A wonderfully written story! I love dark story's like this. I hope you continue it someday soon :)
nani chapter 10 . 6/25/2004
I knew I was setting myself up for fangirlish doom by reading a recced, multi-chaptered fic that hasn't been updated in ages. But your first chapter hooked me and did not let me go.

First: I heart you. And your writing is wonderful. The mood gives me New York-accented private-eye vibes, and I adore the way you slip in hints about things to come without outright dishing details. Keeps things so interesting. (Of course, it also helps that you dangle H/D just over our heads the whole while.)

I also love what you've done with Hermione and am amazed at how you've softed Snape without making it feel OOC. Harry, Draco, and Ron are all great, but I think I like your Hermione the best. Love how you went into detail and really gave her such a tangible personality instead of disregarding her humanity and making her a two-dimensional, walking encyclopedia with pms.

But because I love you/your story so much, I feel compelled to THREATEN TO COME AFTER YOU WITH A STICK, should you not update soon. Because, really, this is such a marvelous fic, and that worsens the especially tantalizing little teaser you left at the end of this chapter (fiend!).

Thanks for the story. (update soon~!)
eva simone chapter 6 . 6/12/2004
Lovely lovely story. Its not so often you come across such an original story thesedays, and I love your characterisation. Marvelous!
aurora borealis1 chapter 10 . 4/21/2004
Great story. It's very interesting, and the plot's intriguing. Great characterizations. I feel sorry for Draco, but especially Harry. Wonder what made him forget...
It's a shame you haven't got more reviews for this story. It certainly deserves them.
Just one tiny thing: *Please* don't write "he were" and other versions of singulars (Ron, the feather...) all the time. My English teacher says that on some occations it fits in (and is allowed), but usually it's "he was", as I'm sure you know. It's just a bit annoying, that's all.
Other than that, this is a wonderful piece of writing that I hope you'll continue with for a while - and not get Writer's block (a horrible thing created to torture authors around the world). Your language is *very* good except for the were/was thing, and I'm looking forward to reading more.
Write more! :)
Kali chapter 10 . 1/12/2004
OMIGOD! Bad cliffhanger, BAD! Please update A.S.A.P. I absolutely love this fic. Thank you. You rock!
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