Reviews for 200 Hours
anon chapter 17 . 4/8
I love this pairing so much lmao!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/7
Wait, are you not British? Your slang is great! The only thing I picked up on was the bit where Izzy puts "a pound fifty" into the vending machine. I don't know if this is just a thing in my county/region/economic class, but "one pound fifty" sounds more natural to me.
anon chapter 1 . 4/6
wow it is so weird reading about an oc with the same name as me haha

great fic though, really enjoying it so far!
Amy chapter 51 . 9/28/2019
Hey, I dont even know if you will see this but this fic is very important to me. Misfits is one of my favourite tv shows and I remember binging both the show and this fic multiple times as a teenager, and now I'm older I still read this fic when I'm feeling down or want some extra misfits. Basically thank you for writing this, I will probably be back here in a few weeks time reading it all again.
BlueGreen216 chapter 51 . 7/10/2019
Hello, I've just spent the last few days binge reading this story. Like many, I saw Umbrella Academy, knew the actor Klaus from somewhere, looked him up, and that led me to Misfits, and I love it! And I also love your story! there aren't many Nathan/OC's out there. At least not great ones but yours is amazing! I really hope you can finish it! I know it's probably been a while but it would be such a disappointment to leave it like this
AbelMans chapter 51 . 7/5/2019
any hope on an update? I love the story n it's breakin my heart for it to cut off at such a huge scene. talk about a cliff hanger jeez haha
QuirkyMurderSubject chapter 51 . 4/8/2019
It's been a whole lot of years but here's to hoping we get an update soon! Cheers!
Jxckthestripper chapter 51 . 4/1/2019
I know you haven’t updated in A long time but is this story abandoned? Or is there a chance that you might continue it ?

I love the story btw.
Scarlet chapter 51 . 3/25/2019
OKAY. But have you watched umbrella academy? I completely forgot about Misfits and Klaus is TUA made me fall in love with Nathan again 3 3
KindaLost chapter 51 . 3/25/2019
I recently watched misfits and I was so sad when i finished it that I immediately went to find fanfiction to relive the story. I was not disappointed! This story is amazing, and I realize this hasn’t been updated in years, but just know if you finished it, it would be well read!
pragmatice chapter 51 . 3/22/2019
What the FUCK this was so good I know this is pretty old but you deserve this review either way. I love how you don’t make Nathan automatically pick up his shit just because hot girl kissed him. And Izzy’s character? What the fuuuuucccckkkkk. Anyways I’m off to stare at my ceiling for a few hours thinking about how this has and will impact my life. Duces.
BrittWitt16 chapter 51 . 3/21/2019
You know, it's funny how the world works. The only decent, near-complete Misfits fanfiction I can find, and it's written by someone I already know. Ain't that a kick? Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this over the past 2 days. I LOVE Nathan and Izzy's dynamic, I love the face claim you've chosen, I love how you've realistically balanced their romance with their emotional ineptitude, and I love it all to death. Though there's probably no point in me checking the rest of the archive at this point, cause you've set the bar far too high for the rest of the wankers on this site. I know that it's more than 5 years old at this point, but hopefully this story gets some higher traffic due to the whole Umbrella Academy to Robert Sheehan to Misfits correlation, which is how I ended up here myself. And it wouldn't be off the mark to say I'm hoping you finish this after that influx of attention, cause I can just taste the ending 3 chapters away haha. Either way, it was a fun ride, and I'm glad I got to enjoy it. Thanks!
jesseviolet chapter 51 . 3/3/2019
is this the end?!
onthepageoftears chapter 51 . 2/23/2019
So, I’ve finally made it. 51 chapters read in a way too short amount of time. I guess I could blame you for me being so invested in it, because you wrote it. Anyway, I remember a hefty amount of reviews back I felt like I’d already reviewed enough, that I should stop, but then I would get to the end of a chapter and feel the need to write something, anything. Which is why I pretty much spammed your reviews and am the only reviewer for at least a couple page refreshes. I hope you take it as a flattering thing rather than annoying, because the fact that I just kept reviewing is most definitely a compliment.

This story was written so well, and the character felt so real that whenever I think of Nathan, Izzy crosses my mind as well. I understand that this story is pretty old, and I’m not going to expect a new update (I’ll just imagine that it ends in rainbows and sunshine and Nathan, Izzy, and Allan in a big happy family). If your writing was this good at the time you posted it, I can’t imagine what it is like now (undoubtably very good!) I can’t wait to see your other stories, and will probably return to this one every once in a while :D until then, thanks for sharing your story! 33
onthepageoftears chapter 50 . 2/23/2019
I love that Allan has been bought back into the mix, and Nathan’s attitude towards it is just too precious. It really worked out in the plot with Izzy; I was curious how you would change this episode since Nathan has a random love interest/plot, but it all came together so well!
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