Reviews for We'll Always Survive
koocher chapter 71 . 9/30
Thanks for an amazing story. You writing is brilliantly done. I think I have read almost all of your stories on fan fiction and your books. I am still reading and cannot wait for your next chapter to come out. Please send me any of your stories just know you have a fan here in British Columbia, Canada.
Stay safe and continue on with all you do.
NK ️
koocher chapter 67 . 9/29
Loved that you mention Brentwood Bay, BC. I live in BC in Kelowna. British Columbia is a very beautiful province.
Talk more at the end of this story.
NK ️
koocher chapter 42 . 9/26
Re reading this story on chapter 42. I am not going to review each chapter. Will let you know what I think at the end if that is okay.
NK ️
December Jeffries chapter 71 . 9/22
That was fucking fantastic. I was convinced that Jack might have been innocent. The epilogue is the best one of have ever read. I never expected Jack to confess everything to Ana. I'm glad she finally knows the truth and that Jack will be in jail for the rest of his life.
Wvkrash chapter 71 . 7/14
Wow this is the first time I’ve read this story I am surprised I’ve never read and omg I’ve cried screamed yelled in sadness and hate but in the end this story was and will be freaking phenomenal !
Kelly Washumick chapter 71 . 6/21
i enjoyed your you started it a long time was you able to come up with the story?.When was the books written?and did u go from the books? Stay safe
canadianclaire chapter 71 . 6/15
Wow - what an emotional story! Thank you so much for sharing and dealing with such a difficult topic in a sensitive and realistic way.
vamomoftwins chapter 71 . 6/7
Awesome story!
londongirl123 chapter 71 . 6/3
I’ve finally reach the end of the story! I’m sad I reached the end but really enjoyed it. I found it very hard to read sometimes just because of the sensitive issues raised but you’ve written an amazing story. It felt so real following it all. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait for your next stories!
sarabo chapter 71 . 6/1
A very, very good story. But I must say it really had it's difficult times but I got through them. I really didn't think Hyde was innocent. The way you wrote it made it difficult to make up my mind. That's a sign of a great author. It kept me guessing until the last paragraph.
sarabo chapter 70 . 6/1
I do agree with the jury. He was guilty of something, so he needs to pay.
sarabo chapter 69 . 6/1
Beautiful, just beautiful! Carrick is a nice name that I had never heard before the original stories. My spellcheck keeps saying that it is wrong-stupid laptop!
sarabo chapter 68 . 6/1
She has gone through so much with this pregnancy that I really hope nothing goes wrong and she has a healthy son.
sarabo chapter 67 . 6/1
Things are looking up for both of them!
sarabo chapter 65 . 6/1
She did so well up there. I hope that she never has to go through that again!
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