Reviews for Open Your Eyes
Hancock23 chapter 19 . 11/23/2016
I really hope there is a sequel for this because that ending was too sad. I kept hoping that there is a time skip somewhere so that it doesn't have to end like that. Good job though.
Hancock23 chapter 4 . 11/23/2016
What the hell is this back and forth? I had hoped Draco had an explanation for his behavior but he ended seeming like a fool instead. What does he mean that he had no idea he was upsetting Harry? That does not make sense for me.
Dracofides chapter 19 . 3/14/2015
Reading this for the second time, I forgot that Draco Obliviate'd Harry.

I'm just crying here silently.

Don't touch me.

Dracofides chapter 4 . 3/14/2015
"Grey eyes connected with grey" tho. Since when did Harry have grey eyes? XDDD
takiya lee chapter 19 . 2/6/2015
ShairaHisako chapter 13 . 12/10/2014
I generally like your story. I like how it goes and the way you write, though you repeat parts of sentences again and again, and that's a little unnerving. Like moan of pained pleasure or cold eyes.
In fact this is the first story where I don't like Draco. That's not bad. It's kind of like his character. But I feel so sorry for Harry...
Guest chapter 19 . 11/7/2014
Oh my god i'm going to cry.
LandlessLord chapter 19 . 5/30/2014
I think I would have loved an after the war epilogue with pensive memories of Draco, and a come back together or continue th story for sme more chapters resuming briefly the following years to the end of the war and then the epilogue with a lemon.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/5/2014
This was a brilliant story, but sometimes the spelling and grammar wasn't quite right, and my god do they "lick their suddenly dry lips" A LOT! Lol that kind of got on my nerves because it was said so so often, perhaps more imaginative description on those parts? Anyway, regardless of that, it was a very good drarry fanfiction and I did enjoy reading it. However I do agree with what another reviewer wrote- sticks to the real story a little too much for my liking, needs to be a little more outside of the box. But I do get why you wrote it that way, as you said you wanted it to be like it would have been in the books, so I understand that what I am saying could just be my opinion. So anyway, great job and I look forward to updates on the sequel (because it CAN'T just end like that! haha)
MoonStar100 chapter 19 . 2/22/2014
This ending for this wonderful story killed me. I am happy to see you started a sequel that I will continue to read after i write this. Your writing is very good and I liked how the story went with the original Harry potter story (even though I still hate the ending). You made me cry. That's just proof that this is an amazing story. Thank you for writing it!
PadFootWasHere chapter 19 . 12/18/2013
oh my gawd. the moment i read the word obliviate i froze and couldnt keep myself from crying then i spent the entire next chapter sobbing like a baby. i officially cant decide wether i love this fic or hate it. its like watching the notebook its a great movie but you dont want to watch it because you now you're gonna sob like a sissy and then get one of those awful crying head aches and be miserable till it goes away. but still good job. being able to get an intense emotional reaction from your readers is always a good thing and definitely something i know i strive for as a writer. but its also some thing i really have trouble with its hard to make the characters you love miserable.
Ash-Bookworm113 chapter 19 . 12/17/2013
This was so sweetly sad.
Teh Way chapter 19 . 12/1/2013
jesus dick i am so upset with this i really shouldn't have been surprised when i saw that there wasn't more than 2 chapters left and this would be the only logical solution but oh my GOD WHY DOES THIS HURT SO MUCH

i dont think you understand there are tears flowing from my eyes and my insides are cramped up because of feelings and i can't really breathe correctly so yeah good job on writing an absolutely fantastic story wow
WeisseHex chapter 9 . 11/9/2013
Who can blame Harry? I can't. Draco needs to get off his high horse. A little humble pie is in order here.
WeisseHex chapter 3 . 11/9/2013
OMG! Draco can be such a seriously disgusting git! So, it seems he's just putting on the act for the Slytherins?
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