Reviews for The Shadow at the Side
Phoenix chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
wow, its awesome. will there be more chapters? I really hope so.
LittlePlagueSpirit chapter 1 . 11/22/2012
And here you show your talent again! I have read your story "Nightmare Dust and the Silver Sands" with a lot of pleasure: Jo is really one of the best worked out OC's that I ever read about. And now you show your talent once more with starting to write about "Rise of the Guardians", but now with a lot more characters into the play.

And not only MiM, Jo and Jack Frost are present, but Anguish (I only understood the depth of his name when I looked it up in the dictonary; English is not my native language) and Death himself as well. This is a very strong forebonding you present, and not a very happy one.

Not only that, but the last lines of your story tell me that whoever Anguish is, he isn't at the same 'level' like the other Immortals, namely the Guardians and Pitch. Somebody else also pointed this out: in one of the trailers Jack calls the Guardians 'The Big Four', which hints that they all together got a name as a group; but it also means that there is a big possibility that there are also other Immortals. Your character only gave more fuel and depth to that idea; not only by him being there, but also by his appereance and the fact that he knows Death well and can slip into Pitch's castle without being spotted by the Nightmares.

Like Alice said herself: "Curiouser and Curiouser!" Please write more! :)
Crystal Peak chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
This was very interesting. This character, Anguish is interesting, though I don't remember if he appeared in your other story.
Anyway, I find him intriguing and his reaction to Jack makes me wonder if they met once. And why was he in Jo's room? Nice touch with showing Death, because I was thinking that if MiM brings people back to life (mostly talking about Jack), Death should intervene since the soul must pass on and to bring someone back, well, that breaks the rules of life and death.

And Pitch...damn, he is cool even if he is the villain, but he creeps you out a lot. I can't wait to see your story, with your own characters.

Keep writing! Oh, and did you know that in Tumblr, Dreamworks made a 10 page comic about Pitch? It's a prequel of sorts. It's really interesting.
JackFrostRoxs chapter 1 . 11/21/2012
That was AWESOME!