Reviews for A Little Jealousy Can Do the Trick
Mmmm8888 chapter 1 . 5/24
True Slytherin chapter 1 . 5/13
Loved it. Even though I am rly disappointed about Dramione( cuz we actually knew more about the characters, giving all tge more reasons for tgem to date), I am suuuuuper happy bout Rose ans Scorp. I am rly proud of Scorp too but to be fair, Lucius filled Draco's head with all the pureblood nonsense, making the chances of Dramione lessen. So, I fell in love with Dramione and now Scorp&Rose
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
Fun and fluffy! Your grammer is good but the last semtence was akward and really cheesy.
CherryCupcakeBacon chapter 1 . 11/25/2012
Really cute oneshot :)
hkmac chapter 1 . 11/24/2012
I enjoyed reading this. You do a good job with characterization. One little to help with all your writing-learn about commas. Here's a simple comma pattern: independent clause (also known as a complete sentence), FANBOYS conjunction independent clause. FANBOYS stands for For And Nor But Or Yet So. Here is a sentence using a FANBOYS conjunction that needs the comma because the conjunction is hooking two independent clauses together: Scorpius was jealous of Thomas, and he wanted to punch him. Here is the sentence using a FANBOYS conjunction that doesn't need a comma because the clause after the conjunction is a dependent clause: Scorpius was jealous of Thomas and wanted to punch him. I hope this makes sense. You can craft a good story, and a good story deserves good punctuation. The website Grammar Girl contains solid and easy to understand info on punctuation. Thank you for writing and sharing.