Reviews for Anything for you
Hannah chapter 4 . 11/1/2014
I LOVE IT! Please make more.:-D
Guest chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
Sweet I love it what's your name mines Alana
Guest chapter 4 . 12/31/2013
I think you egoism write a chapter on ally and Taobao
tmntfan123 chapter 4 . 9/3/2013
AnaxshiNearXVIAni-Nyu chapter 4 . 8/6/2013
Lexus chapter 4 . 7/30/2013
I have a sort of idea for a story or at least a starting point. In stead of having donnie be embarrassed like with the ringtone or when giving his b-day gift to april, have her instead first start to find that she like donnie then have her be embarrassed that donnie for example finds out that her ringtone for him is the twenty Bird love song. I think that that would just mix it up a bit.
Lexus chapter 3 . 7/30/2013
I just read this chapter and I think it was so perfect! With donnie and the cat arguing about if donnie should give april his gift or not, donnie giving april the gift, and her reaction. ... and then(me about to break out laughing)... raph giving ally the rose! Hahaha! His reaction... PRICELESS! Hahaha! "I found it in the sewer tunnel, spool happy Valentine's day and what ever." Hahaha! The then...(me gasping for breath between words) ...donnie... ally up look...hahahahahaha! I was dying reading it! Oh...that was just made my day! You just keep on writing and I'll keep reading. :D
Lexus chapter 2 . 7/30/2013
I love your stories and this couple together! But I just have one tiny little question about this chapter... WHERE IN THE WORLD DID THAT CAT COME FROM! Lol. It was soooooooooooo random! :D
KimiarasXRaphael chapter 3 . 6/15/2013
April and Donnie go to a costume party
DonnieLover100 chapter 4 . 5/12/2013
I have an idea! It could be like this. Here, I'll write a summary thingy.

Donnie has a secret room, and NOBODY knows about it. It has 3 keys to it, so if someone finds one, they still can't get in. When Ally accidentally-on-purpose bumps into Donnie, she finds one key. She will only give it back if Donnie tells her where the room is, which he will NEVER do. So Ally looks on for the other two keys, still wondering where the room is and what the room is. She goes into his bedroom and looks through all of the drawers, but one has a lock. She uses the first key to find it fits, and finds a SECOND key. Then, she looks through his wardrobe and finds the last key, along with a hidden door, with three locks. She finds a lot of secrets, "My favorite color is light purple." "I used to play with dolls." and more, until she finds the most exciting one: "I have a little crush on April. No, a big, no. Lets just say, my crush on April is bigger than my vocabulary." She tries to show April the room, but can't find where she placed the keys. You choose is she finds it!
Hannah K.Whidby chapter 4 . 5/2/2013
I like, read all 4 chapters and thought they were ADORABLE!:) U are like SO talented. And i just cant wait to see your next season. But when will you get to the good stuff!? I totally want to see Don ask April out for something, maybe, i dont know, duh... A DATE!
14rosie14 chapter 4 . 4/29/2013
I have an idea! Do one about April getting into a fight at school, and then Donnie helping her with her injury's and teaching her some basic self defense mechanisms.
:) ( For a tribute, if you use my idea, you can put 14rosie14, that's my nick account, and that's the only account I have )
Hayleymomo chapter 4 . 4/28/2013
I found this fanfic very cute
MonetTheTurtle chapter 4 . 4/28/2013
Yay! You used it! I'm hapy now! I would be freaking out, but it's late and I'm tired. So... THANKS!
hint-0f-pink chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
I know love AprilxDonnie too! Its just so cute. I've got like a million ideas and I'd be happy to share one with you. Just PM me and I'll tell you. The idea would take forever to explain.

Apritello FOREVER!
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