Reviews for One Night
luvnanofate chapter 8 . 6/15
Again, a lot of sex, meaningless verbiage and then a rushed ending. It is a long story for someone to take on but I think it could have been done in half the chapters. The talk with her mother is good, but the ending just feels so rushed while the majority between the start and finish seems very slow for the reader, like nothing going on but the same thing. But hopefully, you did not lose I initiative in your future review is more for those reading this, thi kin GB m of writing their own works. Try to keep the flow interesting or you c an lose the reader fast.
luvnanofate chapter 5 . 6/15
When will it end? I swear every chapter is "why can I stop dreaming dreaming about her, oh here she is...let's screw our brains out until the end of the chapter and start it all over again. I understand the angst, the questioning, etc. but every chapter now reads the same except the scenery has changed. I guess they have moved on the naming themselves girlfriends, so that is something now. And Mina comes for one day and the paparazzi gets a pics and it's a big deal, now she home all the time and never a word about photographers and reporters, how come the odd change. The storyline I thing is a good idea, I just think there is too much just wet dreams and sex without much talk. And the story never gives you a timeline so you don't know whether a week or a year has gone by which contributes to a story that seems to read like watching lettuce wilt. Where are the numerous talks that most long distance and unsure relationships usually have. Yeah, they say they are dating now, but what has really changed in t here written words? I think maybe some more back story, talking between Rei and Mina and a bit less sex (though I do think your sex scenes are done very well) and the story will seem to move forward a bit faster. Yes, I know this is an old story but someone else reading this might find the info useful (or not) which is why I sometimes post reviews on older stories.
Guest chapter 8 . 3/18
I love this story so much. So beautifully written, the way you get in their minds to analyze everything they're feeling and why they react a certain way, and all in character. I felt so connected to the both of them, with their insecurities and desires and fears.. the way they grow even closer is made all the more believable thanks to each introspection and with the passage of time (great choice mentioning how long it's been since they've been together between one chapter and the next).
Truly one of the best stories out there. Thank you for your passion and dedication.
GreciaTenoh chapter 8 . 4/2/2019
Wow, que impresionante talento tienes, toda la historia fue una montaña rusa de emociones tan palpables que sentías con los personajes, vivas con ellos, de verdad que excelente trabajo. Muchas gracias por compartir tu increíble talento. Espero más trabajos tuyos.
CophineRocks chapter 8 . 10/2/2018
Nooo, please give us more! So good
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2018
I wanted to read this again for the feels and i noticed that you revised chapter 1. I know cos ive read it so many times that i pretty much have it memorized lol. It made me really excited to read it again :)
FeliciaRei chapter 1 . 7/17/2018
One of the all-time best Reinako fics by one of the all-time best Reinako authors. You are an inspiration! Truly lovely story.
PeaceLoveFairytales chapter 8 . 4/26/2018
This story was so, so, SO good! Your characterization of Rei and Minako is perfect. You really spun a sweet and sexy tale, and my heart is all warm and fuzzy for these two. Thank you for writing and sharing this story!
Sachiel21 chapter 8 . 7/3/2017
This story is amazing! It's my third read through and it is truly a work of art. I love all the details and characterizations. You really have a great sense of what they would be like as adults. It's soo sexy and romantic, their emotional connection is described so well. Bravo!
Zero is a Girl's Name chapter 8 . 6/1/2017
I couldn't tell you how many times I've read this story, but once I start reading it I can't stop. It makes me cry every single time. It's a beautiful realization of these characters and their love for each other and I'm so thankful that it exists.
ArriettyS chapter 1 . 12/2/2016
I discovered this amazing story two years ago, since then I re read it twice a year or so and always when Christmas is near, is so cute I find it perfect to feel warm during cold winter nights :D Is that time of the year again, soooo, let's start reading it! :3
Guest chapter 8 . 11/29/2016
This always makes me emotional everytime i read it. I just love it so much
Burninglove601 chapter 8 . 10/8/2016
I created an account just so i can leave a review here. I just love this fic so much. I mustve read it more than a dozen times already and each time, i find something new like a small detail that i missed. It never gets old. After i read chapter 8 i find myself going back to chapter 1 and rereading the whole thing. Usually i dont bother rereading a fic once ive finished but this ones just so wonderfully written. Im so in love with it, honestly. The story and how u have made the characters come alive. I can feel every emotion that theyre feeling through your words. It's really amazing, and im glad you wrote it. Thank you.
Liz Loe chapter 1 . 8/2/2016
I love this story, I haven't read it in six months and while driving home it came into my head and I reminded myself to favor it. It fits the characters, is written in a good speed and gives the reader everything they want when reading stories in this category. Thank you for writing it, I will continue to read it...
NDourado chapter 5 . 5/30/2016
I love this chapter. ...
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