Reviews for With a Forked Tongue I Lie in Wait (Taming Snakes)
ingz73 chapter 24 . 7/26
Love this story. Wish you would continue.
Bobp0p chapter 24 . 7/23
This story is amazing! I love it so much
Drix chapter 24 . 7/17
OMG! I loved this so much, please please please find some inspiration for this story again.
Samitathegrest chapter 24 . 7/12
I love this so much I wish there was more
Holotype chapter 24 . 7/5
I've never laughed so much at a story before. I hope your muse returns one day because this is bloody fantastic.
Hobbie Cat chapter 24 . 6/21
This fic was so much fun to read, 10/10 I wish it was finished but thank you for what you wrote!
Hades676 chapter 24 . 6/19
GhostBeethoven chapter 24 . 5/9
I kinda just wanted you to know how much I loved this story when I was younger. I loved it a lot. I like to remember the little toast funeral held for Toastman Bob. R.I.P. and the egg battle. The ridiculous lengths James went to not let people know he couldn't write well. And Gren! she still counts as one of my favorite OCs. I had one of my Skyrim characters named after her. The hag with a used book store. This story still makes me smile. Especially Gren.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/30
I’ve only seen the first chapter and I can tell you that this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.
Homework9 chapter 24 . 4/18
This is the best HP book I’ve read in ages! Please update whenever you can!
dragonBug27 chapter 24 . 4/15
Aww shame there's not more to read. What you've posted was an absolute blast to read.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/6
I just want to say that you have a weird, positive view of spanking throughout this work. That's wrong. Spanking and other forms of corporal punishment are neither effective nor right, and it's so weird to have something so awful in an otherwise good story. Spanking doesn't make anyone "shape up." It limits communication and creates fear-based relationships. Please fix this.
The Jolley Pirate chapter 14 . 3/22
While this is a very good story, I personally can't handle how much of a bastard Snape is. I just can't keep reading
Guest chapter 18 . 3/18
The kappa thing is just fantastic I come back every few months just to read that bit, it’s the funniest thing I’ve read in fanfiction.
Great story as well, but that particular part always stood out for me.
izaganizenda chapter 1 . 3/17
Is this going to be slash? please say so in the summary.
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