Reviews for Love (and Downton) Actually
Boulouzou chapter 21 . 4/10/2019
Coucou, c'est encore moi. :)

Je ne connaissais pas se film " Love Actually". Maintenant grâce à toi j'ai envie de le regardais, il faudra absolument que je me l'achète.

C'était une jolie histoire de Noël

J'aime Sybil en tant qu'écrivain. Tom et Sybil était tellement mignon

J'ai aimée Isobel et Richard s'embrassant.
Mary en tant que premier ministre, ça lui va comme un gant. Vue son caractère autoritaire.

J'ai beaucoup aimée Edith : Bien que j'expédie Anthony/Edith, j'ai assez apprécier Evelyn/Edith. Mais pourquoi ta pas mi Gregson/Edith à la place ? Bon c'est pas grave.

Je vais te faire un aveux : j'ai toujours détester Robert. C'est le personnage que je déteste le plus dans toute la série, je le trouve absolument odieux. Pauvre Cora, elle m'a tellement fait de la peine.

Ca va t'étonner mais j'aime bien le personnage de Jane, j'ai jamais compris pourquoi il y avait autant de haine autour de son personnage. Mais je défend Cora alors évidement je suis d'accord pour que Jane parte.

Et sans grand étonnement, j'ai aimée les scènes avec Sarah O'brien et Thomas Barrow, leurs scène du chapitre 19 était très émouvant et tout à fait eux.

J'ai toujours aimée leurs amitiés à tout les deux, je ne peut pas croire que c'était uniquement pour créer des embrouilles. C'est pourquoi ça m'a briser le cœur quand ils se sont embrouiller dans la série et son devenue ennemie.
J'ai même verser ma petite larme quand Sarah est partie.

C'est pourquoi je t'en pris je t'en supplie : Ne les fait pas devenir ennemie dans ton histoire : Love's Continuing Journey

Mais je m'égare : Je finirai mon commentaire par ces mots :

J'adore, j'aime je suis en admiration devants ton écriture. N'arrête pas d'écrire.
cluelessclown chapter 1 . 3/27/2017
I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS I MIGHT YELL. I can't wait to read the rest, omg.
madmum38 chapter 21 . 12/15/2016
Brilliant,loved reading that one. Stupid grin on my face through most of it lol
eliphya chapter 21 . 6/18/2016
This was such a sweet read. It isn't christmas and I was still very much in the mood for this.
I have seen the movie only once I think but when I saw that this fic was going to retell the movie I actually rewatched the movie first before starting to read.

Since I'm biased towards Tom and Sybil I was always eager to reach their parts while reading this. And I enjoyed them so much. First upon beginning to read this I cheered because Tom and Sybil received my favorite storyline from the movie, which made sense since Tom is the only character who isn't from England, but still!
The confession scene was so sweet, I have to admit I went back to reread it several times.

Also I absolutely love Mary as Prime Minister. I think that position suits her character very well. I had been wondering who would take on that role and I was so glad to see it was Mary (a woman yay).
And on a side note, since this story is quite old I'm unsure whether you know yet but it's "Kemal Pamuk" not "Kamal Pemuk". It's not that bad of a mistake and hardly distracting but it sounds odd to me since I'm turkish.

Carson and William were adorable together. Even though Carson felt a little out of character for me, it was still a nice change of his personality. And just very very sweet how he helped William confess and they landed in jail together.

Also that scene where Violet appears when Robert tries to buy the necklace was hilarious. A nice addition to the already hilarious scene with Rowan Atkinson.

Anyway, this was lovely!
cheerdown83 chapter 21 . 5/6/2016
This is one of my favorite Downton stories and I've just realized I've yet to review it. How remiss of me. Your creation is fantastic. You've taken the familiar characters and their undeniable chemistry, combined it with a classic film, and created a fabulous AU. Thank you for sharing this story!
timeandpixiedust chapter 21 . 12/29/2015
I loved your adaptation of this! I swear, I can't see the movie the same ever again. I keep picturing the scenes you wrote instead because of the way you wrote the characters. It seriously was a wonderful Christmas treat and I'll probably re read again next Christmas (and some time during the year, probably).
seriousblahblah chapter 1 . 8/19/2015
Love Actually is one of my favourite movies! This is a great remix
slaaneshissexxy chapter 10 . 6/2/2014
Downton Abbey/A Song of Ice & Fire crossover

fiveby10eighty3 chapter 1 . 5/23/2014
I love the whole story! And everything fits together. My favourite part of the story is where PM Crawley sang to Spice Girls' "Wannabe". Was cheering for her the whole time I was reading it! :D
Guest chapter 21 . 4/22/2014
Oh. My.

This was...astounding. I have never seen the movie "Love Actually" before because my parents still say I'm too young (though Martin Freeman and Alan Rickman are both in it, who I know as Snape and John Watson/Bilbo, and by the way are two actors I really like). But this story...was just amazing. Heartbreaking and laugh out loud hilarious. Since I started reading this yesterday-yes, I loved it so much I read it in only two days-I read the summary of the actual movie to get an idea of things. An this has made me want to see the movie, much to my parents' dismay.

So. First off. Thomas as a pop star? Edward... O'Brien... Sybil as a writer? Bates taking care of Vera? Mary as the Prime Minister? Alfred as the "sex god from London"? (Which I know is really from the movie). And i didnt even get who Reed was until the very end even though I've seen all the episodes! William and Daisy? Jimmy and an American? And everyone else?

Absolutely brilliant. To sound English.

Thank you so much for putting all the characters in! Please write another story that has everyone...or close to everyone. Thomas, O'Brien, (Lang), and all the servants are mostly my favorite characters and I read more stuff for them, so this gave me a chance to read a great fic for EVERYONE. And I can't decide if I like this or "Downton Abbey and Zombies" better! Which I expect you to keep updating... Thank you :3

But really. Thank you so much for this amazing fic because, to say something Thomas would say in this, there's lots of shit out there. This was the opposite of shit. It was great. I'm sad that it's over, to be honest.

Keep up the extraordinary work!
DetectiveInspectorSydney chapter 3 . 12/15/2013
It seems strange for Anna to call Sybil Miss Sybil, since they were roommates. Other than that, I am enjoying this so much!
GraceBe chapter 11 . 12/15/2013
I just found this big juwel via tumblr and I love it to pieces! Thank you so much for writing this!
Keira-House M.D chapter 21 . 9/13/2013
I love the film Love Actually, so when I saw this fic I was very excited. It could have been very easy to ruin it, by sticking too much to storylines not quite fitting the characters, or by not sticking to them enough. I loved how you worked all the characters in properly, with Isobel and Clarkson meeting as historical consultants rather than body doubles and so on. Such a fantastic story, even if I did read it in September rather than around Christmas. Everyone was in character and it was a brilliant read.
Guest chapter 21 . 9/2/2013
I read this when you first published and would just like to say that this was absolutely brilliant! I doubt you'll read this as you wrote this story quite a while ago but I would just like to let you know that I have thoroughly enjoyed this brilliant story. love actually has been my favourite film for years and to pair it with downton is pure genius! :) so thank you for this masterpiece and even though its September it has put me in a Christmas mood :)xxxx
Nssijanchhsjs chapter 21 . 8/18/2013
I know I'm late to the party, but it was such a wonderful read! I love christmas so much and I guess you can't go wrong pairing it with Downton! I loved this version muuuuuch more than the real movie! It was genius to make Mary the Prime Minister and the transposition of the Tom/Sybil romance! Thank you so much!
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