Reviews for Everything It's Cracked Up To Be
mille libri chapter 20 . 5/5
Lovely ending! They're so cute together!
mille libri chapter 19 . 5/2
Of course it was Mordin. So obvious, and yet I never even considered it. Beautiful reveal! Masterfully set up!
mille libri chapter 18 . 4/29
Oh, that was lovely - and super hot. Having largely ducked the intricacies of turian arousal in my own story, I'm doubly impressed by how natural this felt. Well done!
mille libri chapter 17 . 4/24
Oh, this was so lovely! The two of them finally brought to admission of their feelings - beautifully done.
mille libri chapter 16 . 2/26
That was a lovely reunion. Shepard may not have been the only one tearing up a bit when his eyes opened.
mille libri chapter 15 . 2/1
Oh, Shepard. To come so close and then be stopped, held helpless - her worst nightmare, really. This battle scene came together very well. Kudos to you and Josie for a well-crafted chapter!
mille libri chapter 14 . 1/24
This is such a delicately written chapter, because you can feel the asari's pain even as you feel - and fear - for Garrus. Well done!
mille libri chapter 13 . 1/16
If anything, that drug was more disturbing than the torture. Poor Garrus. Tough as he is, this is a lot to go through.
mille libri chapter 12 . 11/25/2019
Damn. That was painful to read - very effectively written. Poor Garrus! And poor Shepard - she'd be going as out of her mind as Garrus is if she knew what was happening to him.
mille libri chapter 11 . 11/14/2019
Oh, man, I knew that was too hot for something not to go wrong. Shepard, there's a time and a place for a joke, and this clearly wasn't it!
mille libri chapter 10 . 10/12/2019
The change in Liara's personality between games really is notable - I thought Garrus's instant understanding of her suffering and what caused the change was well done. And I am really hoping there is hanar poetry in the next chapter!
mille libri chapter 9 . 10/1/2019
Garrus is beautifully clueless here, despite poor Shepard's best attempts to beat him over the head with her feelings and desires. It's a really nice level of UST, and I'm enjoying seeing it unfold.
mille libri chapter 8 . 7/24/2019
I thought there was a very real possibility that Garrus might explode from the effort of not saying all the things he wanted to say - but also that this conversation has been more intimate than almost anything else they could have done. He ought to have a very good sense of how important he is to her by now ... although being Garrus, I suspect he will refuse to believe it.
mille libri chapter 7 . 7/10/2019
I love the drunken innocent heart-to-heart here, the words they have to get out before they can move to another stage.
mille libri chapter 6 . 7/3/2019
This is a beautiful chapter. Shepard's slow work bringing him out of the forward battery into the light and his response say so much about their particular relationship that "His life, his loyalty, his unwavering devotion ... He would have laid it all at her feet if she'd asked" lands with an almost tangible physical impact, it has so much emotion behind it.
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