Reviews for The Bookstore
thisaccountisnomoreeeeeeeeeeee chapter 2 . 12/13/2012
This story to me just clicks! :) I always wanted to read stories that involve Link and Zelda being a bookworm. I'm so glad it's both! Keep up the good work! I can't wait :D
LauParisi chapter 2 . 12/11/2012
The Legend of... I must say I found that much funnier then it was probably meant to be, and it kinda threw off the sudden change in the setting. I had to reread it couple of times before I understood that something serious had just taken place. But that's just little ol' crazy me.
Anywho ... Good chapter I felt some parts of it the flow was off but other then that it was good. I think that Zelda's story might become pretty big in the lives of our characters. Can't wait for the next one!
AKAAkira chapter 2 . 12/10/2012
I'm pretty sure book titles are supposed to be italicized, not underlined. At least, I think it is. In MLA and APA style at least.

Anyways - very intriguing premise you have here. You've managed the interaction between Link and Zelda just as well as you have in your other fics, and the literacy discussion was mildly interesting in itself. I'll definitely be keeping up with this.

About the "synonyms to book" thing - ...well, I'm at a blank too. Closest I can think up of is "story" or "fable", but then the phrase "he was holding a story in his hand" breaks into a poetic and philosophic tone that a simple description can really do without. At least, using "book" only all the time doesn't sound bothersome (to me), even when you pointed it out. Guess it's just one of those words that's just ingrained into our existence.
rejinn chapter 2 . 12/10/2012
Cool chapter! I like how you can put your own opinions/personal experiences into the story itself. I found myself nodding along as I read about Link's reading style because I can relate to that! ;) Also if the part about reading The Odyssey in seventh grade was true, I didn't read it until ninth grade, and it was still sooo hard to understand.
Onto the story, it'd be nice if you gave us a physical description of Link himself, somehow incorporate it into the next chapter, like he's dressing up to go with Kafei to somewhere. And that brings me to my other point, Kafei isn't really developed that much yet, so you might want to create some scenes with him and Link, because all the reader really knows at this point is that he is probably:
-good with the women ;)
-much more socially active than Link
-hell, we don't even know his age, but he sorta acts like a big brother to Link, so I'm imagining him to be slightly older, though not more mature!

And are they in college right now? You have to make a way for Link and Zelda to hook up outside of the bookstore as well, the bookstore might serve as a launching pad for the rest of their relationship.

Cheers! :D
rejinn chapter 1 . 12/10/2012
Cool idea for a promising story. I have to say, I do like seeing Zelda and Link in their bookish, nerdy forms. It's basically a cheerful, lighthearted fic, and the only plotline will be the eventual slight bits of drama that accompany any growing relationship right? Just to point out a few things, when you wrote:

"What has four legs in the morning, 2 legs during the day, and 3 legs by night?" I asked her.

You might want to make your writing a bit more consistent by changing the numbers to words (2 - two)
Remember, any number smaller than ten must be written out in letters to give your writing a formal feel to it. Also, you tend to use capitalized words a lot. Like here:

But I DID find my travel mug...

Remember that when you want to put stress on a word so it mimics actual speech, use italics, not all uppercase, this will give the reader the feeling that they're reading a thoroughly spot checked, clean, and formal story.

Looking forward to more.
ShadowNinja1011 chapter 2 . 12/10/2012
LeilaEditer chapter 2 . 12/9/2012
Ha, you rebel! I did the same in an English paper once, but alas, my teacher did not understand the spirit of rebellion and I got points off. Anywho, I like this a lot! Keep at it!

Kuroiikawa chapter 2 . 12/9/2012
Kind of a plot twist right there. Good work on this chapter and don't forget to take it easy!
Metal Chocobo chapter 1 . 12/8/2012
I found this enjoyable. It was silly and I did enjoy the banter. I'm pleased you went in a positive direction for books and bookstores, since the only other Zelink fic of this sort treated books negatively and that annoyed me. It looks like you're continuing? If so, I look forward to reading more.

Also, I suppose you could use "novel" as a synonym for "book" if it's fiction. "Text" would also work, under certain circumstances as that refers to a book full of text. Or you could resort to kennings, although that would get a bit confusing.

LauParisi chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
I like this story. To be honest I wouldn't have read it if it wasn't called bookstore. There wasn't much in the summary. But I'm glad I did, it's very interesting.
LeilaEditer chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
This is cute! I love all the voice you've put into this, it really makes the story all the more enjoyable! And I love like all of the books you mentioned. Great job!

Nianti chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
Absolutely adorable, thank you for sharing. :)
ShadowNinja1011 chapter 1 . 12/4/2012
Love it!-Shadow