Reviews for Hurry Up and Save Me
Benoc2004 chapter 31 . 7/5
This is one of the the best zuko/oc i have read.
It had a very interesting and unique premise as I have never read anything that altered the plot as much as this story
Great writing
I hope you are happy and healthy
Have a good week
Crystal heart 255 chapter 31 . 4/13
I thought it was supposed to be Zuko and Katara... Oh well, it was still a good story
Crystal heart 255 chapter 1 . 4/12
This is really interesting!
Jestersky98 chapter 2 . 8/10/2019
I mean you keep praising your mc but while she talks big she doesn't seem like all that talk in the fights you've shown, you're making her out to be a one-man army but she's on the skilled warrior level nothing more
The Ice Goddess chapter 30 . 12/19/2018
For the holidays, I'm going through all my favorite fics and making sure to comment on them to show my appreciation!
This is one of the only AtLA fics that I actually like and the reason is because you are an amazing writer! I love how tough Kyuri is but that she needs to soften up. I love the Solstice dragons battle! And I love the ending! Btw, have you considered moving your fics over to AO3? They allow multiple comments!
Keep up the great work and happy holidays!
hushflower chapter 3 . 12/4/2018
Vivaldi chapter 2 . 9/28/2018
The Dragora lore in the first chapter was great, and got me really excited, which is why I was terribly disappointed when Kyuri turned out to be a Mary Sue.

Idk, maybe she redeems herself with some interesting character flaws later in the story, but at this point we have this. A young girl with a Tragic Backstory who finds sanctuary in her new dragon companion Sang. This in and of itself isn’t bad - in fact it’s super interesting! Even the mind link is cool, I got hella Eragon vibes, especially when you quoted it with the whole “into the sky” thing. But then we have: I’m a girl with a dragon who can use almost any weapon AND I’m good at hand to hand combat AND I can block bending for a short amount of time. Oh right AND I can bend water too. AND don’t forget my knowledge of poisons that will destroy your organs if you inhale it. How can I do all these things? DRAGON KNOWLEDGE SHARING LOL. I want to root for her, I really do. But it is so, so difficult when you’ve made her so incredibly overpowered. It’s like you crammed every power displayed in the series into one character, minus those of the Avatar. I wouldn’t be surprised if in a few chapters she can bloodbend too.

Tbh I doubt this will be read, since it’s been like five years (whoa!) since it’s been updated. And I’m sure any writing you’ve done has improved since then? But I felt I owed it to you, who’s put so much time into this story, to explain why I just cant continue to read.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/12/2018
I’m v happy I found this story! I think Kyuri and Sangilak are such an interesting duo and add to the story tremendously! I can’t wait to keep reading.
Kirrss chapter 31 . 4/8/2018
"If you hurt her, they'll never find the body," he said seriously. "I'm the Avatar, I can get away with things."

This is probably the best thing I've read. Thank you.
The Ice Goddess chapter 31 . 1/25/2018
Hi! I really liked your story, and I reviewed it on Tumblr under "assorted-fanfic-reviews." Hope you stop by to read it! :)
Crossdresser123 chapter 31 . 12/28/2017
This was an amazing story, I hope to read more!
JustUrAverageLoser chapter 31 . 5/26/2017
Beautiful! I love the originality of your charater! She was amazingly written along with the others. Thank you for this, I enjoyed it emensly. I look forward to reading more of your work.
LifeIsASacrificeWorthMaking chapter 6 . 5/22/2017
I like it.. I like it alot!
XxAwkwardAlienxX chapter 31 . 3/13/2017
This story makes me so freaking happy! I mean seriously, I hate and love you for making me feel these things! Your writing is brilliant, your characters are stunningly crafted, each character is exactly as intended and not OOC. I've read another of your fics as well and man you have got some talent, keep at it! Thank you for this masterpiece!
SinfullyOffensive chapter 31 . 12/29/2016
Just dropping in to say it took me a while, but I really enjoyed your story. It was well paced and well thought out. I'm definitely checking this off as my favorite. Happy writing!
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