Reviews for Come Back to Me
Slytherin Princess Nysa chapter 23 . 10/3/2019
Really hitting me with CS feels at 8:30am
CShipper chapter 23 . 8/3/2018
What a beautiful ending! I love that Killian got his memories back! And the proposal was just them and beautiful! And they chose the baby's name! Thank you so much for this, it's been a joy to read your stories these past few days!
CShipper chapter 22 . 8/3/2018
Emma reached the end of their story till now and he still fell in love with her! And I love how even though Killian doesn't have his complete memories, he's still him and so in love with his family! And Emma told Henry that he's going to be a big brother!
CShipper chapter 21 . 8/3/2018
Ugh, what an ass Neal is, I'm glad that Emma didn't have the chance to tell Henry about him. And Henry knows that Emma's in love with Killian!
CShipper chapter 20 . 8/3/2018
That was such a sweet birthday! And Killian's getting some more memories back!
CShipper chapter 19 . 8/3/2018
I'm glad that Killian got to punch Neal! And they are together and Emma knows she would always choose Killian!
CShipper chapter 18 . 8/3/2018
That was lovely. Killian's so excited about the baby and they are going to get married someday!
CShipper chapter 17 . 8/3/2018
I'm glad that Emma's trusting Killian and they told each other about their past loves! And Emma figured out that Regina killed Graham and oh, my gosh, Neal is here, what?!
CShipper chapter 16 . 8/3/2018
I'm glad that Emma told Killian about the counter-spell. And he chooses not to drink it yet! But Emma's probably pregnant, aahh!
CShipper chapter 15 . 8/3/2018
Haha, Emma kissed Killian in front of Gold! And he agrees to give up his hook around Henry. It's cute seeing them get closer and I can't wait for Killian to get the rest of his memories and sight back!
CShipper chapter 14 . 8/3/2018
It was True Love's Kiss that did it, how perfect! And now they are back to themselves, it's just Killian's sight now. But they made love and it was just beautiful!
CShipper chapter 13 . 8/3/2018
Aww, I love seeing Henry and Killian swordfighting! And Emma wants to keep Henry safe by kicking Killian out, but he knew exactly what she was doing. But she's letting him stay!
CShipper chapter 12 . 8/3/2018
I love that the kiss opened up some of Killian's memories! I wonder if he completely remembers or if it's just some stuff. But this is very adorable!
CShipper chapter 11 . 8/3/2018
I love how fascinated Killian is with the modern world! And Emma's not going to kick Killian out, even though she wants to protect Henry, she's got to make it up to him for betraying him on the beanstalk. And Regina just wants to see Henry again!
CShipper chapter 10 . 8/3/2018
Oh, Emma. Just wanting to help out Killian but she ends up hurting and worrying him. But she hasn't screwed anything up yet, Killian's just upset. It'll work out!
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